maxentile / msm-learn

Learning how to learn Markov State Models of conformational dynamics
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Metric learning #12

Open maxentile opened 9 years ago

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Kinetic discriminatory metric learning:


maxentile commented 9 years ago

"Large-margin component analysis" -- combining dimensionality reduction and metric learning--

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Distance metric learning a comprehensive survey:

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Metric learning: A survey:

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Nonlinear metric learning:

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Other ideas for follow-on work:

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Bayesian active distance metric learning:

Given two arbitrary points in configuration space, the "kinetic distance" between them can be approximately determined, but at some cost. We effectively want to learn a good kinetic distance metric over all of configuration space. Seems like it could be a good fit for this approach...

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Metric learning for kernel regression: e.g. regressing on time lag

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Kernel regression with sparse metric learning:

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Large-margin multitask metric learning:

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Idea: "Tree-preserving metric learning"

In LMNN, we consider triplets (i,j,k) of points where (i,j) belong to the same class and k belongs to a different class, and we want to learn a metric that places pairs (i,j) closer together than pairs (i,k), plus a constant margin. We could modify this approach to accept hierarchical cluster assignments instead of class labelings.

maxentile commented 9 years ago

For LMNN, is there a way to supply an arbitrary loss function, rather than 0/1 loss? E.g. if we have 3 classes A,B,C, can I say that mistakenly putting A close to B is worse than putting A close to C? If so, that would be nice: "tree-preserving metric learning" would just be a special case where the loss function is "cophenetic distance" or something.

Tactic: one approach might be simply to replace the "1" in the SDP constraint with the desired margin for each triple: image (ref: p. 4)

maxentile commented 9 years ago

There would be several cool applications for solving this general problem. (1) Kinetic discriminatory metric learning: - Given a time-ordered sequence of feature-vectors, we want to find a distance metric on the feature-vectors that preserves "kinetic distance" i.e. observations that are close in time should be close according to the learned metric. Previous approaches used a 0/1 loss at fixed lag times, but we could presumably do better if errors were weighted by the magnitude of the time lag. (2) "Tree-preserving metric learning" - Given a hierarchical cluster tree, find a distance metric such that points far apart in the tree are far apart in the metric.

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Could apply this to learning the weight matrix M of what I'll call the "weighted Binet-Cauchy kernel"

The Binet-Cauchy kernel is:

from numpy import sqrt,eye
from numpy.linalg import det

def BC(X,Y):
    return det( / sqrt(det( * det(

where X and Y are matrices.

When X and Y are _n_x3 matrices containing residue coordinates, this computes something similar to RMSD, but has a couple advantages: it's faster, simpler, and it's definitely a kernel. (RMSD is probably also a kernel, but I'm not sure.)

We can weight pairs of residues using a matrix M:

def weighted_BC(X,Y,M=None):
    if M==None:
        M = eye(len(X))

    return det( / sqrt(det( * det(

Question: what constraints must M satisfy for weighted_BC to be a valid kernel? Guess: as long as M is psd, it should be okay?

maxentile commented 9 years ago

Neighborhood component analysis: -- see section 5 for extensions to continuous labels (e.g. time-lags)

maxentile commented 9 years ago

For fast tinkering I'm just writing down objective functions and then using autograd to fit it by gradient descent, rather than committing to a fancy learning technique earlier