maxfilatov / phpuaca

PHPUnit Autocomplete Assistant (PhpStorm plugin)
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Add autocomplete for variables initialized in setUp() #15

Open patkoscsaba opened 8 years ago

patkoscsaba commented 8 years ago

Add autocomplete for class variables initialized in setUp() similar to the ones initialized in __construct().


class someTest extends .... {

private $var;

function setUp() { $this->var = new SomeClass(); }

function testSomething() { $this->var->[expect autocomplete here with the methods of SomeClass] } }

mdio commented 8 years ago

I'm doing the same right now, but with proper annotations:

class MyTest extends TestCase {
     * @var ObjectProphecy|MyOtherClass
    private $otherClass;

    protected function setUp() {
        $this->otherClass = $this->prophesize(MyOtherClass::class);

    public function testStuff() {

It still doesn't work. ->willReturn() is "not found in class MyOtherClass" by PhpStorm. Is it safe to assume that this will be implemented together with issue #9?

srosato commented 8 years ago

I am looking forward for this too