maxfreu / SortTileRecursiveTree.jl

Fast spatial queries: STR tree for GeoInterface compatible geometries
MIT License
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feature: Plot recipe for Plots.jl #5

Open krsteffen opened 5 months ago

krsteffen commented 5 months ago

Good morning, I've written a simple plot recipe for STR trees using the JuliaPlots RecipesBase package. Once you import Plots into the REPL, plotting works right away! See below for two examples.

Is this something you are interested in? I'm happy to make any changes if need be.

using Plots, Shapefile, SortTileRecursiveTree

N = 42
x, y = rand(N), rand(N);
tree = STRtree(Shapefile.Point.(x, y))
plot(tree, aspect_ratio = :equal)
scatter!(x, y, markerstrokewidth = 0)

Another example; I downloaded a small shape file from, but please feel free to use whichever shapefile you have on hand.

using ZipFile
path = "/path/to/your/shapefile"
table = Shapefile.Table(path)
tree = STRtree(table.geometry)
plot(tree, aspect_ratio = :equal)
plot!(table.geometry, seriestype = :path, color = :black)
maxfreu commented 5 months ago

Hi Kyle! Thanks for your contribution! I suggest a few changes / simplifications:

1) Functions modifying their argument should have the modified arg first.

2) Instead of collecting all the x and y values I'd write sth like:

# pseudocode, didn't look everything up, nothing tested!
function collect_extents(tree::STRtree)
  extents = [(tree.rootnode.extent, 1)]  # extent, level
  for child_node in tree.rootnode.children
    collect_extents!(extents, child_node, 2)

function collect_extents!(extents, node::SortTileRecursiveTree.STRNode, level)
  push!(extents, (node.extent, level))
  for child_node in node.children
    collect_extents!(extents, child_node, level+1)

# similar for leaf node

function extent2xy(ex)
  # convert extent to x and y lists or tuples here

RecipesBase.@recipe function f(...)
  plotdata = collect_extents(tree)
  for (ex, level) in plotdata
    # unpack extent here and plot stuff

3) You could also provide a bool flag for reverse order plotting. Then just do for (ex, level) in plot_reverse ? reverse(plotdata) : plotdata. That way the user can decide which box is the topmost.

krsteffen commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your feedback Max! #1–3 all sound great to me. I'll likely need to wait until the weekend to work on this code, but I will implement these changes & get back to you!