maxgalbu / adonis5-jwt

JWT Authentication service for Adonisjs v5
MIT License
86 stars 15 forks source link

Error login !! #24

Closed Joan1590 closed 1 year ago

Joan1590 commented 1 year ago

When you use a email as Uid, always take the first result from the database, and the first password, doesnt work with another users, if you try to login with other email, but ussing the password of first user on database, this allow login !!

Joan1590 commented 1 year ago

I solved, only need puts the right uids on the provider xD

 * Config source:
 * Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
 * file.

import { AuthConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Auth'
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env'

| Authentication Mapping
| List of available authentication mapping. You must first define them
| inside the `contracts/auth.ts` file before mentioning them here.
const authConfig: AuthConfig = {
  guard: 'api',
  guards: {
    | OAT Guard
    | OAT (Opaque access tokens) guard uses database backed tokens to authenticate
    | HTTP request. This guard DOES NOT rely on sessions or cookies and uses
    | Authorization header value for authentication.
    | Use this guard to authenticate mobile apps or web clients that cannot rely
    | on cookies/sessions.
    api: {
      driver: 'oat',

      | Tokens provider
      | Uses SQL database for managing tokens. Use the "database" driver, when
      | tokens are the secondary mode of authentication.
      | For example: The Github personal tokens
      | The foreignKey column is used to make the relationship between the user
      | and the token. You are free to use any column name here.
      tokenProvider: {
        type: 'api',
        driver: 'database',
        table: 'api_tokens',
        foreignKey: 'user_id',

      provider: {
        | Driver
        | Name of the driver
        driver: 'lucid',

        | Identifier key
        | The identifier key is the unique key on the model. In most cases specifying
        | the primary key is the right choice.
        identifierKey: 'id',

        | Uids
        | Uids are used to search a user against one of the mentioned columns. During
        | login, the auth module will search the user mentioned value against one
        | of the mentioned columns to find their user record.
        uids: ['email'],

        | Model
        | The model to use for fetching or finding users. The model is imported
        | lazily since the config files are read way earlier in the lifecycle
        | of booting the app and the models may not be in a usable state at
        | that time.
        model: () => import('App/Models/User'),
    jwt: {
      driver: 'jwt',
      publicKey: Env.get('JWT_PUBLIC_KEY', '').replace(/\\n/g, '\n'),
      privateKey: Env.get('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY', '').replace(/\\n/g, '\n'),
      persistJwt: true,
      jwtDefaultExpire: '12h',
      refreshTokenDefaultExpire: '12h',
      refreshTokenRememberExpire: '12h',
      tokenProvider: {
        type: 'api',
        driver: 'database',
        table: 'jwt_tokens',
        foreignKey: 'user_id',
      provider: {
        driver: 'lucid',
        identifierKey: 'id',
        uids: ['email'],
        model: () => import('App/Models/User'),

export default authConfig