maxgerhardt / pio-gd32f130c6

Test project for the GigaDevice's GD32F130C6 using PlatformIO
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framework-spl folder is modified by PlatformIO when it starts #2

Closed maxicuevas closed 3 years ago

maxicuevas commented 3 years ago

I have noticed that the folder framework-spl is modified when PlatformIO starts.

  1. Unpack the in the packages folder as you pointed out The directory structure is as expected: packages/ | - framework-spl/ | |-- gd32/ | |-- platformio/ | |-- stm32/ | |-- package.json

  2. Start PlatformIO The folder gd32 is removed by PlatformIO from framework-spl

I am running PlatformIO (Core 5.0.1 Home 3.3.0) under VS Code (1.49.1) with a Mac (OS Sierra 10.12.6)

Do you have any suggestions? Thank you in advance!

maxgerhardt commented 3 years ago

Huh, I haven't noticed that beavior... shouldn't be doing it unless it's trying too update the framework-spl package.

But yes there's a clean fix for it. I'll just have to publish the framework-spl package in the PlatformIO registry and then use it by including platform_packages = framework-spl@.... I'll look into it.

maxicuevas commented 3 years ago

Hi Max, thanks a lot for your prompt answer!

maxgerhardt commented 3 years ago

Just as a heads up, I'm on this but didn't find the time yet

maxicuevas commented 3 years ago

Fine! thank you! I observed the same behaviour if: a. Start PlatformIO b. After Platformio is running, I unpack the in the packages folder
c. When I click on build, then gd32 is removed by PlatformIO from framework-spl

nicolasgai commented 3 years ago

Hi Max, I’m facing exactly the same problem as Maxi. Did you have a chance to have a look at it? Can I check out the fixed version now? Thanks for the quick help ! Nice work by the way 😃 Nicolas

maxgerhardt commented 3 years ago

Thanks for pinging me, I've just

>pio package publish --notify framework-spl-2.10300.0.tar.gz
The package has been accepted for moderation. We will notify you on email when process it.

published the package which should be available in the PIO trusted registry when it's approved in 1-2 days. Then this project can be pointed at my official package, which should eliminate those problems.

maxgerhardt commented 3 years ago

Oh that was fast.

Congrats, maxgerhardt!

A new version of the package framework-spl (2.10300.0) was published at 2020-10-22 12:37:05 from 87.XXX.XXX.XXX.

Will update project soon.

EFeru commented 3 years ago

Does this mean that the GD32 chip is now supported by Platformio and we don't need to do the steps of copying folders etc? If yes, what do we need to specify in platformio.ini to use the chip?

maxgerhardt commented 3 years ago

No what I did was publish the package under my PIO account; So the a maxgerhardt/framework-spl package of version 2.10300.0 is now in the PIO trusted registry, and that should be referencable in the platform_packages now, thus eliminating the need to manually copy the package. I'll figure out what exact platform_packages command works and update the projects.

maxgerhardt commented 3 years ago

Closed by Please see update If there are errors (I have tested it on my local machine by removing my old framework-spl folder in ~/.platformio/packages/, then building the project, which installs my new version from the global registry), please reopen.

The related project was updated as well.