maxgerhardt / platform-raspberrypi

Raspberry Pi: development platform for PlatformIO
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Best Practice for Platformio.ini #19

Open savejeff opened 1 year ago

savejeff commented 1 year ago

Merry Christmas,

I was just adding Pico W support to my project and was going over my config currently, this is how it looks like:

platform =
platform_packages = framework-arduinopico@
board = pico
board_build.core = earlephilhower
board_build.filesystem_size = 0.5m

about the platform_packages = framework-arduinopico@ I added this when there were the malloc problems with the newlib code and this gave me the latest release from earlephilhower that fixed the problem. Now that this is also published here, does it still make a difference? On average, how much does the platformio release lag behind the quite regular releases of earlephilhower? (maybe more a question for @earlephilhower) UPDATE: i just switched to the earlephilhower package and the wifi class changes in some places. so i gues with respect to wifi code, its best to keep using the platform_package from earlephilhower to get the latest code

another small this: it took me some time to find the board name "rpipicow". i think it would be good to update/extent/create a documentation either on or on

I don't know if it's just me or is the Mbed core dead or at least very very slowly kept up to date. When comparing the board list on the mbed and earlephilhower give a pretty strong indication. I know about the whole discussion as I followed it from the start, but at some point, i think it would be best for the community to just switch to the more reliable and better supported core (even if it's not the official) Are there considerations on replacing the official mbed core with the earlephilhower under ?

As i found myself looking on quite a lot of different information sources: For somebody finding this searching for Infos, here are the current links I use to find infos and my current build config

; platform RP2040 / Raspberry Pi Pico config
; Arduino-Pico Wiki:
; Earlephilhower Arduino Core:
; PlatformIO Core for Alt Core:
; Board List:
platform =
platform_packages = framework-arduinopico@
board = pico
board_build.core = earlephilhower
board_build.filesystem_size = 0.5m

build_flags = 

    -fstack-protector ; Enable Stack Protector

    ;-DUSE_TINYUSB ; Adafruit TinyUSB

Riffer commented 1 year ago

I just found out that the installation by package_platform is now deprecated.

You will find the best starting point here:

savejeff commented 1 year ago

i dont think you are correct there.

i you done use the platform_packages, u will get an pretty old version of the arduino pico core as the last release from max gerhard is over six month. it does not support wifi etc