maxgoedjen / secretive

Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
MIT License
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SecretAgent setup problem with solution #229

Open jerryzj opened 2 years ago

jerryzj commented 2 years ago

Hi, I just upgrade Secretive to the latest version. I noticed that macOS keep popping up a window with "You do not have permission to open the application “SecretAgent”." message, and I found that I need to run the following command to fix this.

sudo xattr -d -r -s /Applications/

I don't know if this happens on you or other people's Mac or it just happens only on my Mac. Maybe you can add this command in FAQ?

BTW, my Mac is running the latest release Big Sur 20G80

djc commented 2 years ago

FWIW, I also ran into this problem. I'm on macOS 11.6 and recently upgraded Secretive as well. In my case, I did not see a dialog, so troubleshooting this issue was a bit tough; I could see that ssh was not finding any of Secretive's private keys as it did before, but was at a loss to explain why (since the Secretive upgrade was a while ago).