maxgoedjen / secretive

Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
MIT License
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Customizable public key comment #278

Open rgov opened 2 years ago

rgov commented 2 years ago

Secretive includes a public key comment like <key name>@secretive.<local hostname>.

It would be nice to be able to override the comment so that it's easy to copy the key with my preferred comment.

Also as far as I know there's no harm in having spaces in the comment so it doesn't need to be formatted like a pseudo e-mail address.

maxgoedjen commented 2 years ago

Yeah, you're certainly not the first to want this 😅. The current version was sort of where I landed after the last request for this, but I'm not 100% happy with it tbh. Basically just trying to strike the right balance between customization and having a bunch of prefs. Let me think about this one a bit more.

joachim-isaksson commented 2 years ago

Couldn't one just use the secret name as comment in the details page too? SecretAgent gives "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 <key> ecdsa-sha2-nistp256" as output of "ssh-add -L", but just changing a couple of lines;

-- let curveData = writer.curveType(for: secret.algorithm, length: secret.keySize).data(using: .utf8)! -- keyData.append(writer.lengthAndData(of: curveData)) ++ let label = .utf8)! ++ keyData.append(contentsOf: writer.lengthAndData(of: label)) the (according to me) much more friendly output "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 <key> <key name>" which at least for me is more useful when agent-forwarding multiple keys and I can't remember which key is which. I assume the changes in the UI would also be fairly straight forward.

If this has been suggested before, please just ignore, I just started using Secretive so there may definitely be reasons for it working as it does that I don't know of, and I can live with building my own custom version :)

agnosticlines commented 5 months ago

+1, Would love this as a feature, not a fan of leaking my hostname and linking identities needlessly when using git ssh signing etc