maxgoedjen / secretive

Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
MIT License
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How to backup or export the keys ? #423

Closed cbrassel closed 1 year ago

cbrassel commented 1 year ago


I'm just testing Secretive and I like it but is there any way to make some backup of the keys ? or an export of the keys ? or at least a list of files to backup ?

ideally a backup/restore to/from an Yubikey will be great !

A thank's for the nice job ! Regard's Claude

aisamu commented 1 year ago

IIUC, this is not possible (and potentially a security "feature" of the Secure Enclave)

From the FAQ:

footlooseboss commented 1 year ago

If you store your keys in the Secure Enclave, it's impossible to export them, by design.

cbrassel commented 1 year ago

Yes I have read this .. but I just asking to be sure .. I don't like not having a backup of something so important, but I can understand why it is like this.

Regard's Claude

krystofbe commented 1 year ago

Yes, I would not use this for production access when there is no possibilty of saving the keys somewhere save.