maxgoedjen / secretive

Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
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[RFC] Keychain-backed settings #536

Open PBHDK opened 4 months ago

PBHDK commented 4 months ago

Hi @maxgoedjen !

As promised in #524 , here's my current progress in the form of an RFC pull request. I was hoping to get some feedback and make sure that I'm running in the right direction πŸ™‚

This pull request adds:

Here's how the Settings looks:

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 20 19 45

Concrete questions I have:

maxgoedjen commented 3 months ago

Answering your questions from PR:

PBHDK commented 3 months ago

Thanks so much for the detailed comments, @maxgoedjen !

I'll try to address them ASAP, but it might end up being next week since I have to prioritise some other work in the next few days.

ChristopherA commented 2 months ago

We too have been puzzling on a number of best practices for SSH keys. In particular, we believe key separation not only for each computer, but separation of keys "key usage/proof purpose" is critical, and thus you should NOT use the same key for auth & signing. This doesn't seem like something Secretive can support right now.

My document is still an early draft, but will give you some of our thinking on naming conventions for ssh key files.

Regarding key comments, GitHub doesn't seem to preserve them when uploaded, however, I do try to make the "title" field in GitHub match the SSH comment. You can see my own GitHub signing keys at along with their titles/comments. They are not completely consistent yet as I'm still working on our conventions to support best practices there.

(If you are interested, this will give you a clue where we hope to go with ssh signatures in the more long-term & )

SSH signing and improving digital attribution and provenance is an important project for us this quarter, so welcome any advice.

maxgoedjen commented 2 months ago

you should NOT use the same key for auth & signing. This doesn't seem like something Secretive can support right now.

That's (assuming I'm understanding you correctly) definitely not the case. I personally have a different key for SSH access and signing git commits (which you can see in my profile). Is there something about this flow that doesn't work for you? Essentially I just have one key that I tell git to use for signing commits, and another one for SSH access.

ChristopherA commented 2 months ago

That's (assuming I'm understanding you correctly) definitely not the case. I personally have a different key for SSH access and signing git commits (which you can see in my profile). Is there something about this flow that doesn't work for you? Essentially I just have one key that I tell git to use for signing commits, and another one for SSH access.

Yes, that is what is required. I think the docs for configuring this are not clear. When searching for an answer, I saw somewhere (in an issues or PR?) that you needed to put the same public key in both the auth and signing.

ChristopherA commented 2 months ago

I found the errant doc:

  1. Add it to your GitHub account as an Auth and a Signing key, i.e. add it twice.
maxgoedjen commented 2 months ago

Yeah that's not merged ;) – there's no requirement on Secretive's side for that to be the case at all, it's totally agnostic of key usage. Some people may find that to be the most convenient setup, but there's no requirement to that effect.

ChristopherA commented 2 months ago

Thanks. We are still experimenting with various proof-of-concepts to support best practices, but when we are satisfied, I'll consider a improved PR for docs here.