maxgoedjen / secretive

Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
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Apple Watch will not prompt for auth #547

Closed TougeAI closed 1 month ago

TougeAI commented 1 month ago

I had to full reset (erase content and settings) my Apple Watch about a week ago, and ever since then secretive will not prompt it for authorisation.

I have to use either Touch ID or type the password (which work absolutely fine but I use clamshell often and this is what the watch is great for).

Things I've tried:

Nothing is allowing secretive to prompt when prior to this, on the exact same systems/builds, it was working fine.

M1 Air (Sonoma 14.4.1 23E224) Series 7 (WatchOS 10.4 21T216)

TougeAI commented 1 month ago

Just to confirm this issue has persisted through the upgrades to Sonoma 14.5 and WatchOS 10.5 that were pushed out earlier this week. I was hoping OS upgrades might fix something in the background but sadly not. Not even sure where to begin debugging this one.

maxgoedjen commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately you've done most of the debugging things I'd recommend already.

Does the Apple Watch stuff work on any other apps that have permission prompts like this?

TougeAI commented 1 month ago

In the limited apps I have exposure to they do prompt again after the reset. 1Password will when unlocking, and although I don't use it, Safari will prompt when I enter the passwords settings menu. I'm willing to try other apps too but I don't know any more that use this feature of the Apple Watch.

maxgoedjen commented 1 month ago

Okay two more ideas:

TougeAI commented 1 month ago

Can confirm this 2nd prompt works with Touch ID.

Same as the existing key behaviour, works via Touch ID but no watch prompt.

EDIT: When cleaning up this test key I created and switching the ssh config back to use my existing key, I was prompted for auth on the watch!! It's working fine again now 🥳

maxgoedjen commented 1 month ago

Very weird. Glad it's working again fro you now though!