maxgoedjen / secretive

Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
MIT License
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Secret Agent doesn't run at startup #555

Open linwiz opened 2 weeks ago

linwiz commented 2 weeks ago

I've installed Secretive, and followed the prompt to install Secret Agent, but it does not launch at startup, only when I manually open Secretive. This causes ssh connections to fail instantly. (ssh: connect to host xxxxx port 22: Undefined error: 0)

I have tried running the 'Setup Secretive' several times, but every time I reboot my machine, Secret Agent does not run automatically. I see no possible option to add Secret Agent manually to my 'login items' and am at a loss of what to do next.

tiehfood commented 2 weeks ago

I have this problem too. This is what I get, if I try to run the agent from the terminal: SecretAgent[24627:137916] WARNING: The sun_len field of a sockaddr_un structure passed to CFSocketSetAddress was not set correctly using the SUN_LEN macro. SecretAgent[24627:137916] CFSocketSetAddress bind failure: 48

macOS 14.5 on a M3 Pro Chip

tiehfood commented 5 days ago

Any chance to get this fixed? I really liked the app on the previous devices :)

maxgoedjen commented 3 days ago

Are you folks seeing this consistently every reboot? I'm aware of some ongoing (hard to debug) issues around it relaunching after an update, but not so much every launch.

tiehfood commented 3 days ago

I think on the first run I shortly saw the Agent on the Activity Monitor. It then exited. After the first run the Agent never appeared again on the Activity Monitor and if I try to run it, I will get that error message. But I could run it as root (but then it does not work either)

tiehfood commented 3 days ago

I closed the app multiple times completely and also did a reboot

maxgoedjen commented 3 days ago

Definitely shouldn't require root. If you open up macOS settings and look at "Login Items," do you see Secretive there (and is it on?)

tiehfood commented 3 days ago

yes, it's there and activated