maxheld83 / schumpermas

This is where I write all my stuff on taxation and democracy, including my PhD thesis.
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ESA 12th Conference (2015) Prague: Critical Political Economy RN #258

Closed maxheld83 closed 9 years ago

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

this section:

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

just submitted this abstract:

Everyone pays taxes, and taxation affords us citizens some democratic control over the mixed economy, yet we often poorly understand it. Reasoning with one another may strengthen our democracy, but little is known how such a deliberative ideal fares on abstract policy or how deliberative quality might be measured.

The first CiviCon Citizen Conference tests in a quasi-experiment how deliberating policy as abstract as taxation might work, and how people's thinking on taxation might change as a result. During the week-long conference, 16 diverse, self-selected citizens were tasked to design a tax system "from scratch", choosing among possible combinations of base schedule. They participated in learning phases, deliberated in moderated small group and plenary sessions, met with experts and held a concluding press conference.

Before and after the conference, citizens sorted 79 statements on taxation and the economy according to their subjective viewpoint. Following Q methodology, sorts were factor analyzed to extract ideal-typical viewpoints shared by participants. Before the conference, citizens expressed resentful, radical and moderate viewpoints, including some apparent inconsistencies between beliefs, values and preferences on taxation. After the conference, citizens shared decommodifying, pragmatic and critical viewpoints and displayed a simpler, lower-dimensional structuration of viewpoints.

Results indicate that indeed, deliberation changes people's thinking on taxation, strengthening their viewpoint consistency and better structuring their subjectivities. Results also indicate that deliberating abstract policy can be meaningful: While citizens considered themselves ill-prepared yet to recommend a tax, they felt more confident in deciding on tax policy and advocated for more and longer citizen participation on such abstract matters.

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago


Dear Mr. Held, thank you so much for submitting an abstract to the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015. This year the conference has received a record number of submissions. Hence we have had to make some difficult choices in order to ensure the facilities are not overstretched. All abstracts have been put through independent blind review and we are sorry to say that your abstract has not been accepted for inclusion in the conference. Thank you again for your interest in the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015.

CONTRIBUTION DETAILS ID: 3847 Title: Give-and-Take –– How Citizens Would Think About Taxation, If They Could

REVIEW RESULT OF THE PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: We are sorry to report that this contribution could not be accepted.

Kind regards, ESA 2015 Organizers