maxheld83 / schumpermas

This is where I write all my stuff on taxation and democracy, including my PhD thesis.
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specify hypotheses #74

Open maxheld83 opened 10 years ago

maxheld83 commented 10 years ago

Die Hypothesen und erwarteten Ergebnisse des gegenwärtigen Designs (Metaconsensus & Intersubjective Rationality) müssen noch formuliert werden (knapp reicht, keine Prosa) Careful here; no generalization about whether people prefer whatever tax will be possible (!)

maxheld83 commented 10 years ago

or maybe not? Does this sit well with the overall q-methodology?

maxheld83 commented 10 years ago

also see #65

maxheld83 commented 6 years ago

also see this from 2014:

2014-q-update-dc 013