maxieds / ChameleonMiniLiveDebugger

Live logger and GUI tool for the Chameleon Mini developed for Android OS in Java.
GNU General Public License v3.0
94 stars 16 forks source link


Open maxieds opened 4 years ago

maxieds commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, a case of conscience has overwhelmed me. In my limited view, it is entirely hypocritical and irresponsible for me to continue to open my mouth on the one hand, and offer no action with its pair. In spite of the ~400 active users to boast on my software profile, and consistently excellent ratings of the application on their sites, I can no longer maintain something this important on that Google-based Droid installer platform in good faith.

Therefore, until further notice I am taking the free version of this application off of Play Store due to ethical concerns over the platform. I will not remove the paid version because I realize that several users have paid their hard earned money for the right to run it that way. Anyone who still wishes continue using this app should see the latest releases page and install a signed (just like it was on Play Store, sans Google re-packaging) binary of the application. Or better yet, learn to clone this repo, build from source, and install with developer options just like I do routinely in developing the application.

maxieds commented 4 years ago

I do not tear things down and rip them apart to hack when I write my code. Hackers (as a whole bunch) are an opinionated group of passionate individuals who have a responsibility to be the first line of defense when something like this happens. Free Kevin from my high school era Screen Savers days does not even quite grip at the threat of what we are facing today. I sincerely hope that the rest of you all join in my spirit to do something to fight against this maligned bullshit that is being leveled at the so-called free world today. And, most importantly (realizing from having emailed with many of you about this app) as the only American citizen in this room: FUCK TRUMP!!!

maxieds commented 4 years ago

A very concerning tidbit brought to my attention is that Trump is actively trying to hijack Bluetooth hardware on mobile phones. This seems like such an under-represented aspect of his intent and complex about the world. Please, please (please) tell me this man isn't flagrantly taunting me with his ability to supress an election for a reason. I hope something stops him from electronic world domination, and gives him an allegorical kick in the nuts. I am not a security person myself, per se, but feel free to use my foot (so to speak). :shit: :fire: :fu:, :ok_woman: :womans_hat:, :boot:

maxieds commented 4 years ago

I also want to clarify things with this commit message. The reason my intended expose of Trump's (scary) virus (thank you for the reinforcement, Miss Pelosi, no you totally said that first!) on Gmail servers is that I went back in time to the day of my "impeachment party" in Florida last year, and found a disturbing trend: The RNC is tracking individual users by unique key based on at least their viewing / participation in having to click through a YouTube AD circa the summer of 2019. This YouTube survey would have been unsolicited, and not targeted at anyone in particular.

This global quest for world domination on social media needs to stop. That the man is a twittering twat glosses over the evil he is capable of putting in place.


  1. The US State Department wants to make anyone rich (and apparently grant them political asylum) that gives them evidence of conspiracy to intervene in the upcoming US election, and Play Store (hence Trump's toxic app) is available in most countries on earth. Here's an archived demonstration of point. In America (dude), we get very pissed off when the government owes me money. So I expect any CMLD users out of state (so to speak, again) to do the same!
  2. If you miss my app (CMLD) being easy to install on Droid, please make me feel better in dropping my middle fingerous gaze at Google for exactly this sort of bad behavior.
maxieds commented 4 years ago

I hope this works.

Update ...

I want to clarify intent. I am not insinuating, nor suggesting nor beckoning the hacker or security community to go after Trump's campaign efforts with pejorative (e.g., malicious) intent. Rather I am pointing out, documenting (in my own way), and imploring experts within their respective areas that can crack these encoded efforts by the current US administration to derail freedom, and suppress our democracy (worldwide) to do that which they already do -- and well. This is not an attack on the president, but rather an insistence that more people begin to recognize and find where else to pay attention to their mal-intent.

I fully expect that anyone who wishes to cash in on the US State Department's way of putting a bounty on unconditional proof that there is a real conspiracy, nay threat, for the current administration to interfere in the US electoral process will at minimum need to reverse engineer the bits on that app. That this can be interpreted as either 1) bait (reported to a .net site instead of, mind you); or 2) a well intentioned bounty on unacceptable conduct here, is completely conditioned on who "wins" the election in November of 2020 is ironic.

Biden and Harris made their first televised appearance on television, as streamed by the "fake news" as opposed to state sponsored media, while I was drafting this inspired addendum to my message a couple of days ago. The response from the active administration is shockingly appalling and inappropriate. Let's all punish this man for his misdeeds and make this country safe again by giving Nancy Pelosi the opportunity to throw him in a federal penitentiary for the rest of his life next administration. Please contribute what you can, and be greedy when you can in good faith.

maxieds commented 4 years ago

Bump, and done.

--Maxie, OUT

maxieds commented 4 years ago

I may have been the first good civilian to report Trump to the FBI for bad behavior on Twitter (it's gone now, right?)

maxieds commented 4 years ago

I am going to stop being foolish with this. Clearly, any would be hacker sorts that pick up on these points have seen it, or disregarded, are hard at work in their efforts to claim the State Department's $10M USD next year. I don't want to make an unnecessary mockery of what was a sincere point to start with by emphasizing that as a direct result of my inspired rants about the current state of politics in the US, my oh so intense desire to sit atop the great MS OSS firewall and give Google the finger, and otherwise demand that us hacker folk can make change happen quickly enough -- I received a threat stemming from a conspiracy by another Trump loving twittering twat to give me a COVID virus through the mail, with my ballot.

I have decided to be more rational and not necessarily penalize users for the faults of Google, the RNC, and the evil powers that be in their never ending quest to thwart democracy, suppress elections by gerrymandering, systemic racism, and other typical spawn this system has come to offer. Therefore, the app is now back in circulation on Play Store. I apologize for the temporary state of freedom downtime to you all. To make the point, I will instate the themes formerly only on the Paid app favor in the free version -- which means, that by purchasing the $4.99USD app, you are complimenting the developer's efforts to make the app shine and be useful in day-to-day operations with the Chameleon device.

If you all hackers let me down again, and there are serious bad things that happen with the election in November that should have been thwarted by attention to these, ahem, issues, you all will have to put up with my renewed sense of ire, and the usual wit of my pen then. Expect me not to be happy about that event, should it occur.

maxieds commented 4 years ago

@iceman1001 Chris, would you check your damn email! (It's important this time!) --The local Java "expert" (in the room)

iceman1001 commented 4 years ago

... you seem upset about things.

maxieds commented 4 years ago

Working on DESFire support for firmware sources eventually. Don't worry.

iceman1001 commented 4 years ago

I saw repo about that. You seem to have been very busy with it. Pushing limits with crypto on that mcu.

maxieds commented 4 years ago

@iceman1001 An antique, but a goodie!

This was high school for me.

maxieds commented 4 years ago

An update from my adviser about Trump's spurious app (another apparent BT anomaly)...

In general, I am upset (and dismayed would trifle at what an actual emotional being should say) about the state of US politics right now. I tried to give tribute to RBG on her, the "notorious" and irreplaceable original, passing this RH with my DESFire firmware first release (I quoted her dissent as a mere high schooler, which is where we were first acquainted). I have tried to call these efforts "hacking for freedom" (with free software). In the event that anyone actually pays attention to me and my ramblings online, this is an important time to step it up and say something.

My latest release of the firmware features my dad's new shirt for me. Here's to hacking in his mantra to piss of the public at the local small town Walmart!

Fuck Trump, again and again and again, over and over again!.


Shana Tova, RBG. Rest in peace. ☮️

maxieds commented 3 years ago

WellRounded - Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 10 20 42 PM

🇺🇸 I quote and paraphrase contemptuous notions fondly: "Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking, really." 🇺🇸

maxieds commented 3 years ago

With respect to this thread being a soapbox for me to rant about politics and other hack spirited nonsense, I cannot (in my good conscience, and ever will to never be silenced on point) neglect but to post a public preserved link to this a--hole bastard from hell's mugshot.

After I publicly posted some files of my former Ubuntu laptop (bt.apk, bt (1).apk) documenting how a maligned root kit ended up on the first Droid phone I used to write this "hacker app", a clear sign back at me was posted: Some a--hole broke into my apartment, and stole not my laptop, but the SD hard drive inside of it!!!! The case was cracked, and this could have been done in < 30 seconds, mind you, but this is such a vile thing to me, that I hope someone with the ability to make the perpetrator suck my long hard, finger say, will track them down over this. (Here's hoping).

The hard drive theft incurred me several months worth of effort and non committed Ph.D. thesis work. This is at it's worst, hell, that is, other people. 🦺

On the one shoulder, there's an angel perched telling me of blind reason and understanding. On 'tother, well it's not polite. In the middle is me, and I'm still ticked about the nerve of some (man, yes clearly) that thinks this sort of domineering control freaking about the wares on my box getting noticed and posted publicly as a commentary on the subject constitutes causality, e.g., a motive for retribution. Literally, these jackarses ripped a small SATA drive out of my creaky old plastic laptop case as a sort of message job (to me?) about that which I have seemingly done wrong -- and inside the locked confines of my personal residence. There is something severely wrong, corrupt and dangerously malfunctional about a mental interface that actually operates under that sense of morality and justice about the world.

I am not a politician, nor celebrity, nor a fame seeker on reality TV out to make a million on what's up. WTF?!? And, as my thesis files on that hard drive are not ever coming back, I point to the all too poigniant statement of "the point, the point" (yes, stated twice, with pause, audience for emphasis and theatrical presence) made in the following form:


Why does no one else care? This BS goes on, BTW, and continues as long as other people look the other way. (Sigh)

maxieds commented 3 years ago

🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 -- bt (1).apk -- API Key -- 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁

maxieds commented 3 years ago

I am going to make the point about absurdity once again by something that might get mistaken as an anecdote. More sincerely, I mean it as a point, nay treatise on why personal if not limited professional ethics should intervene before one allows their technical superiority to violate the rights and well being of other humans here. In short, like a sudoers warning in infinitely tending triplicate: think before you act and spin bits across the network, try to be humanly polite when possible, and when in doubt, err on the side of not being an asshole! 🧁

In late 2017, a forced password change on a linked school account forced me to look for creative, and "securely" pseudorandom characters to copy down in into an online textbox. I looked around my couch floor, and behold, a FedEx envelope full of DESFire EV1 NFC tags from China took my eye:

In short, 225xxyNaNxxy+/-NoiseToFollow. I get hacked into oblivion, clearly and nearly immediately for this lack of worldly discretion in selection of password generator noise. To whom can we attribute this crap? Well, it's obvious (to me at least), and no, none of us math folks that can count in the room are particularly impressed with that all too small finite variant of a lucky Stirling type course number.

It happens, that enabling two-factor around that time led to another instantiation of that password generated upon my couch floor that day. Namely, I have been enabled and inextricably linked (even to this day, last I checked) with LyaLya -- as opposed to the syntactical flagrance that would have been just LYAA (in mainland China). Behold:


Why are other people that do not put up with things like this on a regular basis perplexed and shocked at learning about this sort of voodoo? ???

maxieds commented 3 years ago

I will always be the first and intentionally most open, outspoken person when it comes to something this heinous happening toms beloved open source software (OSS). First, I want to point out a new, updated link to some malware for those revenge type hackers interested in this sort of pr0nography type fodder for their hobbit exploits.

Next, on this abysmal and tragically real day of the 2021 US Republican Party CPAC convention where former President Donald J. Trump, who last month incited a riot and fueled a hostile Facist reminiscent governmental takedown attempt of the government by white supremescists (to try to suppress an election, and assume dictatorial power as Hitler did in the 1930's) has been lauded and praised as the golden haired boy that embodies their movement, I HAVE to say something on point here.

I just appended the following (very real to me, for a number of reasons) discussion points on this Wikipedia talk page:

I have some observations to add to the discussion about how the quality of OSS, 
e.g., like Linux and OpenBSD, have slowly been getting worse over time. I have 
been using Linux for 20-25 years, and OpenBSD since the big first ever SSH 
remote root hole in release 3.2/3.3. When I was in high school, my desktop Gentoo 
Linux box and OpenBSD home router (even with the new wifi in those days) were 
crucially flawless -- up to non-standard hardware issues on the desktop. I wonder 
aloud why the quality of OSS machines that used to run the backbone of the net 
like fine-tuned, well oiled machines are now to prevalently, and easily subject to 
F-ups running for days? I now find that unlike having years of uptime, I have to 
periodically reboot an Ubuntu desktop as though it were a Windows NT box from 
back in the day. Even Python(3) quality is now missing in action as things that used 
to be seamless are inexplicably error prone. Does anyone else wonder if there has 
perhaps been a proliferation of intentional buggy code and backdoors introduced 
into core kernel handling functions on my first loves of the Unix OS? This is really a 
concern that this to me given degradation of quality in what used to be solid, production 
quality distributions of OSS is suggested by the current political climate!
[[User:Maxieds|Maxie]] ([[User talk:Maxieds|talk]]) 23:27, 28 February 2021 (UTC)

Screw you, Kevin Mitnick, Lucky-225 (Jason) and others for hacking into everyone's systems. If you don't like the open backlash that follows when you do this, QUIT screwing with EVERYONE as a policy! You people make me really, really sick.

maxieds commented 3 years ago


I forgot to celebrate the vibrant conclusion of Black History Month that I assumed would happen as usual this year. I Support Biden and Obama to the fullest.

What I was always taught in history class in high school was that my country, we Americans at large, that is, are the ones responsible for bailing out the British and kicking Facsism's asses out of Europe under WWII. What have have we learned that MAGA really means? It's not rhetorical at all -- more to the point, it's a reference to slavery, and even Antisemitism. Fuck Trump!

If you make use of my good, quality OSS, there is an implicit (non-optional) social contract -- and the GPL too. Know it, be aware of it, and understand the person who wrote it believes in it.

maxieds commented 3 years ago

Biggie Smalls is coming to Netflix in March (this month)! It is important and should be good to watch.

After what happened last week, and my uttering words of dissonance and disgust about What is plain to see in the US from those of remaining souls with big enough brains to communicate On the GitHub, and who still happen to live in the US these days, seems to go unnoticed here and elsewhere. I have had some critics level terse but mean spirited "thou shalt not" types of rhetorics at me In this Chameleon Mini community for my choosing to espouse about matters of politics online -- one memorably even suggesting that I am absurd and that it indicates infirmity for my criticizing the now former president Trump and his antisocial antics (pre-election). How could I not do that, as an old school code hacker, not one of the newer fangled domination of all systems electronically that be variety?

I had a thought or two to offer about this attack I suffered over the pandemic year. The primary (by namesake) conspirator contacted me yet again after nearly 8 months of silence when I posted this to intimidate me, tell me he's in the next state over, And contact me both at school and over personal email to alert me of this event. I have enough stress. It basically took an act of restraining order to resolve, at least from the overt point of contact online to end. My laptop was, however, stolen from my locked apartment in November of last year after I recovered the bits-into-hole root-kit files off of it (the same afternoon).

My point was to ask the question of the form (and I mean this openly and sincerely, not as an elitist type commentary, and certainly not to offend): If this can happen to me, a white woman from the suburbs Of the midwest, openly in an upper middle class neighborhood in a large metro area, to whom can people of this disgraceful type of sociopathy NOT touch in this country? Really, for fuck's sake! It is not a gender, ethnicity based profile or socioeconomic problem anymore. Rather it's a systemic enabling of lunatics to "reach out" and touch anyone they want to mess with.

Is there anyone with enough of a pair to add to my discussion here? My orbs are up top and my head is always spinning. I'm game for a spirited logical, not hateful debate on things important.

maxieds commented 3 years ago

I have a positive take to help people heal from the recent events in Atlanta: Music -- Rod Stewart - The Motown Song (with The Temptations). Let the music heal folks!

maxieds commented 3 years ago
maxieds commented 3 years ago

This is all way too intense for me right now in the US with the trial of George Floyd's murderer being broadcast in realtime on cable TV. Kevin Mitnick, awful SOB and clearly not having learned his good lesson the first time, doesn't need to die with a Biggie Smalls label in Atlanta this year. (Unless I get to him first, and that's personal, and has been for years coming.)

I am therefore closing this issue for a while. It may get reopened when Trump tries to run for re-election against Kamala Harris in 2024. Hackers of source code everywhere can breathe easier.

☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️

maxieds commented 3 years ago

I keep telling my self that I owe it to my country to hack for America (God bless us all, Tiny Tim, style). This pisses me off in another direction. Since I write this stuff up anyway already in this insane thread, we re-iterate here: Let the love of learning rule humanity! ("dangerously crazy" mixtures of Satan and stupid be damned, too) 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

maxieds commented 3 years ago


maxieds commented 3 years ago

I am trying to be positive in a pandemic (in a good way). Those of you all that still get automailed these postings, I have something new to suggest. It seems to me that we need to get higher spirited and just punch the damn bag before everything erupts in chaos (in the US, it seems, anyway to me). I have a suggestion based on my math to whom we should take it out on (baby boi has already taken his morning Vyvanse in heaven somewhere): God damn you Erdős!

Feels better now, right? ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️

Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 3 17 42 AM

maxieds commented 3 years ago


maxieds commented 3 years ago


maxieds commented 3 years ago

Ok, so I am not grandiose nor deluded by what I write in this thread. I do have a position on US-based America being a changing place riddled by insane politics. I am inspired to have read this informational piece on the BBC in my newsfeed. And I will say that if I DO end up getting disappeared in my country of origin (e.g., the US) for speaking up and out about Trump and his cronies, or calling active governor Ron de Santis the resident antichrist of Florida in my home state for his voting disenfranchisement antics this week on the state media news, Fox and Friends, then it must surely have been worth it!

maxieds commented 3 years ago

My mom has already offered to fly me home from where ever I am to vote in the next elections. I have been displaced and disenfranchised as a student, intellectual and outspoken academic. That is, I am not able to vote (for Biden/Harris, yes 🇺🇸) in Florida in the next election cycle after the recent restrictive voter laws are enacted in Florida. I live in Georgia state for graduate school...

As an aside, I reflected something to my neighbor out enjoying a few smokes tonight. When I voted in the 2016 presidential election in conservative northwest Florida for Hillary Clinton, I ended up engaged in a disturbing trend. The local librarian that supervised the drop box for ballots, where my dad had taken me down the street to vote with him, glared at me and uttered an evil-eye spirited few swear words under her gazed but barely bated breath when she saw to whom my vote was cast. Is this the woman to whom we are entrusting the education and literacy of our community in Florida? The shocking answer is: YES! Fuck her too. Americans are characterized as stupid people for a reason. God bless helping us all resolve this crap.

maxieds commented 3 years ago

I blame the RNC for all of this madness (apropos article from the Chicago Tribune circa 2017). I remember a distinct television interview with Reince Priebus around the time of the 2016 presidential election. He was walking away and smirking. My dad remarked to me at the time across the couch something about he wonders what that a**hole really says when he gets off camera. This seems to be a reaction to the Obama administration, e.g., the first black president in our nation's history (sorry to be so US-centric -- I lived and studied in Illinois when our state senator was elected president in 2008). So what did they (and Reince) start doing immediately? Scheming for ways to gerrymander districts and disenfranchise voters so as to eek out an election by the narrowest of margins. I still believe that the 2016 election where HC won the popular vote by huge margins was influenced by external hacking efforts. These Republican officials aren't even holding their cards closely to their chests anymore. More just flaunting what they can do and plan to do once they are back in power. It isn't OK. I will stop posting on this platform for a while, but will NEVER be able to stay silent about the way all of this crap and white supremacy is getting played out across the board.


Chill. A new release of CMLD with more advanced scripting capabilities is in the works this summer. ☮️

maxieds commented 2 years ago

Oh God, remind me I'm an American! This must surely be karma reminding me I told Kevin Mitnick and the rest of the hacker goodie-goodies to go skipping their merry way down the yellow brick road to make love to their federal government. Incidentally, Elon Musk lives in Albuquerque near Los Alamos.

I hope someone else sees this first. I do not want to die for my country (this year).

maxieds commented 2 years ago

Prepared disclosure to accompany message to the US congressional January 6th committee

NB, this post and the information contained (linked) therein WILL most certainly piss off a lot of people. Some of this information may inadvertently contain personally identifable information about otherwise innocent people. That artifact is not my fault. Because of my limited resources to report this information more discretly, including to authoritative persons where I work that have apparently acted with intent to suppress and censor this message, I am acting on my gut instinct to just do my best to make the data available here. A link to this post (in order of importance by recency in time) sent to the US congressional January 6th committee is forthcoming. Since I have been out here in the US southwestern desert, and especially since my first meetings with coworkers that each have questionable identities and motives, I have been drugged so badly that most days I am barely able to walk when I am able to get out of bed at all.

This all feels very surreal and I am very uncomfortable right now.

Immediate concerns

After I started on mandatory counter-intelligence training 1-2 weeks ago, I stopped in the middle of a scenario to disclose events that had happened to me while I was here for my interview earlier this year to my local direct superior (manager). Namely, a hotel employee had been overly firendly to me, repeatedly offered me free items like water, sleeping pills and wine, and given me his business card to visit him at the local Native American Heritage Museum. I was unable to sleep the three day entirety of my interview until I entered the pressurized cabin of the airplane to take me back to my home across the country. While I was on the ariforce base for my interview, I became extremely disoriented due to what the personell described as altitude sickness, though I was offered no medical treatment nor were the assigned employees anything but hostile and dismissive about dangers to my physical health-- even mocking me about how long these severe symptoms would last if I accepted the position (one taunting 6-8 months at most). After I arrived here to move, one local I had mentioned my new workplace to shouted 'Los Alamos!' at me to let me know where I was actually geographically located. I have to wonder how long there has been a cyber-security branch of this famous national laboratory in this state (especially after muted warnings at my initial training sessions by HR representatives about how sketchy the incoming proposition is)?

My multiple attempts at obtaining a federal clearance for my work have been blocked and delayed repeatedly since the middle of August, 2022. The most recent notice I have seen (strangely, CC'ed to my former university email address) stated that my manager would have to petition for the most recent clearance application revoked this week on grounds of past-due incomplete actions that were not my responsibility to move forward. To move forward, I will also have to reissue my urine sample for a mandatory drug screening test to proceed. This is after interactions with my local physician stating that I need to see a mental health doctor approved by my workplace to write standard prescriptions I fill every month were very awkward to take part in. Text (SMS) messages responding to my manager about these unusual circumstances led him to forward them to a workplace medical provider with concerns about my mental health. It is plain to see and infer what the expected course of action will be if I do not speak up publicly as soon as I am able.

Labor day weekend of 2022 -- and following attempts to cover-up or supress information by federal employees

Over Labor Day weekend (2022) I started investigating the source of substantial financial fraud and identity theft using my name and sensitive personal credentials. This led me to discover many online caches of data (binary and web-based) much of which I believe is restricted to the realm of the 'dark web'. I reported my experience the next day to coworkers affiliated with my new workplace while severely disoriented and dehydrated from the night before. Since disclosing the findings to a superior I believed (at the time) to be authoritative, the computer data (screenshots, webpage sources in full, binary APK data, and other miscellania) has been substatially modified / tampered with / censored / deleted on my hard drive. That night, I had access to (to the best of my perceptive ability) a historically inaccurate snapshot of saved data on my mobile phone. This data allowed me to view (some the of the images partially censored or partially 'classified' even) information about past headlines. There was location information available only about the photograph of my COVID-19 vaccination records -- which is very distrurbing to me and perhaps others. I was also able to view a headline about former US vice preseident, Mike Pence, taking (claiming) control of the country (IIRC) on March 15, 2015. I wrote down the exact date in pen on a sticky note for future reference (since I suspected at the time the phone contents would later be redacted or non-viewable). That note kept in my personal locked residence has since been replaced by another dated 2020 with a headline about Mike Pence confirming President Biden to the US presidency. A key takeaway from my experience is that there is an active effort to censor and supress my experience not only in its electronic forms (i.e., on my workstation) but also by modifying records kept in my personal belongings offsite from work.

I contacted my coworkers the next day over text message to report my panicked reaction. One of them (male) picked me up at my residence in his car. He started the conversation by directing me to tell him what I thought (perceived) had happened. He stated that some of what I saw online vis a vis Elon Musk and efforts to send innocent Americans to Mars and Mark Zuckerberg's VR (virtual reality) META-conception with an offensive dancing goofy mock headset sounded (to him) like 'QANON' (Bannon). I pointed out that the cached binaries of Fox News (and related) applications for Android/iOS/AppleWatch devices had some strange signatures on the apparent (targeted) 'versions' including some posted in Arabic language. This, I recall mentioning at the time, might be important to report further because of possible dark-web-type organization in recent events by the terrorist organization, al Qaeda. After I said that and mentioned to him that the location on my mobile phone had changed far out of state to Texas the night before led him to instruct me to turn off my phone so that the location of his home would not be tracked. He then stopped to run up the mountains to fetch me water for the 'post-truth-serum-like' severe dehydration I was going through (lest I end up dead, certainly a more severe crime to cover up and explain in the near future). The next time I checked my records (weeks later, as I was severely physically ill for weeks after that), the unusual geo-location-type barcode that accompanied the Arabic langauage posters version of the software was missing from my computerized records. The first few (most recent) postings of the Fox News application that I saved were missing from my records as well. This makes me wonder if the Eastern European names of the signatures (with barcodes) are somehow tied to the ongoing war between Russian and the Ukraine?

Both coworkers escorted me to a bench outside the location of my workplace office where ants quickly started crawling all over me (presumably an artifact of the sweet smelling drug I had been illicitly 'slipped' the night before). Neither of them had access to the building interior at the time. The male coworker repeatedly asked me if I had the ability to get on the (abandoned) airforce base nearby for them to meet about disclosing these events (I did, but was uncomfortable doing so that day without an escort).

Other talking points for later

My exhaustion leads me to only abbreviate notes about things that I wanted to write down in much more verbose detail:

File archives (unordered)

maxieds commented 1 year ago

It's Sunday. My dad's birthday is this week. Getting to post this is a rose on his grave. Anyone that holds this against me in the software job hunt is with the enemy in the sense of my veteran father's explanation of Army a-sholes versus Air Force jerks. The old man wins the war on me quitting smoking. I think we pretty much agreed on everything else important.

I have met a lot of famous and powerful people since last summer when I moved to Albuquerque to take my first job out of graduate school with Sandia National Labs. To the best of my knowledge this was the location of the famous Area51 (Argentina; sun port). This post is a follow up to the last post in this thread from last year. There is a lot more to all this that I cannot or for a number of reasons will not yet write here. I have been encouraged to eventually write a book. I also want to make sure that my archived records are eventually public domain so they will stick to the historical record and will not end up classified into obscurity or deleted entirely.

I want to go through a lawyer to make sure that Nancy Pelosi has complete copies of SMS/text sessions that were exchanged the day her husband was tragically murdered. This was the afternoon Elon Musk bought Twitter. I am certain that I was chatting with Liz Cheney, a member of the January 6th congressional committee, using an alias following the previous post. I'm also considering going through a lawyer to see if I can take up part of the state department's bounty for 2016 election fraud (mentioned/linked above). I have documentation of strange timezone data on a phone I purchased elsewhere that suggest gerrymandering of countries and continents (in effect to suggest double and triple counting of USA territories) with extra timezones from Indiana, Kentucky, Antarctica and many other non-standard oddities.

I briefly met Jim Jordan (Ohio representative) unexpectedly at a bus stop in Florida. He was polite to me that day. This is an apparent reference to the then private repository having been examined following the FBI tip report that I created it to accompany. One detail that I recall being in one of those documents was about a private Twitter feed by a young red haired snowboarder named Jason Zych with approximately 3.3M private followers. Days after I had submitted a tip report containing that detail, Adam Kinsinger (Illinois representative), also on the January 6th committee, clarified its meaning without context on CNN. He said it was the number of active duty USA military available to deploy to the capitol on January 6, 2021. That means that the organizers of the capitol violence intended to take power and control of Washington D.C. by force in an apparent fascist coup. The capitol riots that started on January 6, 2021 at President Biden's inauguration were a bloody siege on Washington that took (depending on which news report) nearly a week to quell. CNN has termed these events 'The Insurrection'. I have heard that China backs Biden should we need them to maintain control of the country.

I left Florida on a flight through Atlanta earlier this year (2023). I got off the first leg of my flight into the custody of UNICEF in a wheelchair. I spent nearly five days having to stay awake in an international airport while Donald Trump's first indictment in Manhattan went through the news. Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, was apparently too busy talking to Fox News about blocking the extradition of Trump from his Mar A Lago golf course resort to face charges out of state in New York with the National Guard even (I recall) to notice the VR/AR game free for all that was happening in Northern Florida. There was an exotic Porsche 911 sports car on the highest level of the airport parking deck that I saw having to go up there to get air from lower levels on the night of 3/31/2023 to 4/1/2023 (April Fools Day). One of the nights I had to spend inside the airport had a startling ROKO television broadcast (surely CG). It was of Trump burning his way through the Southern USA then burning his way up the notorious 'Bridge to Nowhere' before swan diving off the abrupt end into the safety of the seas of Jupiter (cf. Miranda Lambert's 'Kerosene' music video). This is an apparent reference to Sherman's March from the American Civil War (first apparent American civil war) of the 1800's.

The newspaper photo above features a quote that my late mother was fond of repeating. I do not believe that this is a coincidence. She taught at the University of North Carolina Greensboro when I was a child and has many friends there. Notice that the newspaper features a price of FREE, not OPEN like Trump's OpenWall with Mexico campaign promise from 2015. Did the security personnel, or roughly speaking the American Hacker Corps (and the best around at that frankly speaking), from Uncle Kevin's HackHaus on Broadway stick it to that evil MF-er this time (this decade) or what: Trumpy, Trumpy, Trumpy, Trumpy put the light saber back in its holster before someone (not somebody) gets hurt (note four T's rather than three biblically)? I have predicted for years living around all this political madness that Kevin should eventually be a witness for the prosecution. Will he take the job (no, he died this summer)? They would have had something (with the FBI) to do with routing the (almost surely) darkweb traffic Trump assumed was so covert through New York followed by Chicago based on visual traceroute maps while I was in Florida. The issue was about jurisdiction if the DOJ would not step in to charge him at the federal level. This is what we did to F-CK TRUMP this year (cf. Lily Allen's 'F-ck You'). My reaction is: Oh, oh no, he's unhappy; he doesn't LIKE that. Too bad stats devil. Enjoy prison, as-hole (NY accent) -- have a good sex life with or without it attached to you when you go! After I tried to get GitHub support to let me pay off my Pro account bill for five years to make sure the Florida documents repo would be there if something happened to me (it did), they changed the site to include free private repositories and a successor to be named to take over administration of the account in the event of the original account holder's death. This is the tragic state of political craziness we are all in right now.

Since fleeing Florida for Illinois this year, I had an encounter with Trump in person on Juneteenth (cf. this link). He came by me with two of his sons through marriages on a bike trail in Lincoln Park across from a grassy knoll. He arranged for actors/models that looked like cartoon versions of my parents to sit on the hill opposite from me wearing white sun glasses with stupid grins in the style of the Twenty One Pilot's 'Ride' music video (these men are satanic; cf. the language of the devil, the vice devil, and the secretary devils of state media to a masked woman we all usually know). The man wanted to taunt me with having to get a job as a part-time insurance salesman to make ends meet within a year of getting my doctorate. To which I started back: 'Daddy was a draft dodger' (USS John McCain and reference to Cher's 'If I could turn back time' music video). This is typical of the man. He wanted to know if I was God and presumably if I had come to Earth to destroy him? Keep in mind that the man has a Hassidic rabbi light on the side of his tower that he displayed when he had to appear in court with Marjorie Taylor Greene for the charges in Manhattan this year. The light has text that reads: 'The messiah is in'. We can interpret this to mean that he views him being indicted for a small fraction of representative charges of all the misdeeds he is guilty of as a sign that God has come to Earth. Again, this is typical of the attitude of him being effectively untouchable. I flicked him off with my left (sinister) middle finger and used my right hand to walk scissors over to the left. Janet Jackson had just toured through our TOWN (not LAND). This must have been the reason for my reply: 'Miss Clinton if you're nasty' (i.e., Hillary Rodham is God, and she will cut it off your body before you die)! He gave me the middle finger before leaving with Barron and Don Junior through the parking lot. Some of his recent charges are about bribery and extortion to silence Stormy Danels from speaking openly about the mark of the beast on his penis while running for reelection. What does it look like? News reports in this country unfortunately omit that telling detail (very, very bad news).

I am going to end this post with photos of my family who were the most important thing to me in this life. Check out the links on the side panel of my GitHub profile (this one; see the liner notes). The first is of a family portrait of my mom, sister and I when we were children. She is doing her best Snow White / Evil Queen pucker with the kids. The next one is of my dad giving the eulogy at my mother's funeral in their yard in Florida on Friday May 13, 2022 wearing his favorite Georgia Tech mathematics shirt. Was this a mafia reference to some of the other attendees that may never be charged in Florida? My father would not let me attend. I watched the ceremony live on Zoom from my graduate school apartment in Atlanta instead. The last one is of me and my cat Kush (dad's term: the Kushinator) in Casper, Wyoming on my mom's first birthday since she passed when we were trapped in Yellowstone National Park last year. There is a repository I have created in memory of my mother: here and here. The dedication of my doctoral thesis at Georgia Tech is in her memory (see the first few pages). A favorite saying of my dad was 'live and let live'. This lyric can be found in the Traveling Wilbury's 'End of the line' song. He was also fond of complaining about Regan's classification of ketchup as a national vegetable for Americans at the poverty level on food stamps. I was prepped/briefed by my father for a special operations mission down to the land where search engines index the darkweb. I remember him saying 'there's nothing they can do to you that they haven't already done' and 'my kid will end up alive' (here Biddy, Biddy, Biddy to the tune of here kitty - thanks for the adrenaline shot in Casper, bro). The cat was with me the whole time (up until Florida). My dad requested to 'kill Trump when you see him' before my mother died knowing the reasons she had been attacked brutally by members of the far right in this country (for my speaking freely and submitting FBI tip reports). I hope this is good enough to make the old man happy wherever he is now.