maximbaz / cerebro-pass

Cerebro plugin for pass.
14 stars 4 forks source link

Windows Compatiblity? #9

Open goldcoders opened 3 years ago

goldcoders commented 3 years ago

Is this windows 10 compatible?

Atm im using arch wsl with pass to generate my pass otp.

so i need to go to the terminal then type pass otp path

i see there is a password store env , do i need to add it to my PATH in windows or there is a config i can edit ?

thanks for the reply in advance

maximbaz commented 3 years ago

I don't know if it is compatible with Windows, as I never tested this. Let me explain what it does and this might help you try it out:

The script will execute pass, so pass executable needs to be in PATH in windows - maybe, if you use WSL, you need to put some sort of wrapper in PATH, like pass.bat which will in turn call pass inside WSL.

Especially if you will make a wrapper script, you don't need to worry about any other environment variables on the Windows side, if your password store is in a custom dir, you can just do all those adjustments inside your script directly.

Having said that, just a note that Cerebro has been abandoned for almost 3 years, so I'm not using it, nor this project.

goldcoders commented 3 years ago

I have an alias with pass on powershell, i do have wsl. there is no native pass unix on windows , so im just invoking the wsl arch command. I would love to try this , since im accustom to my Arch setup using rofi that has pass and pass otp integrated.

As far as i can understand pass and rofi is using xdotools to type the keys,

I wanna know what dependencies cerebro-pass and cerebpro is using ,

I wanna make my keybindings and workflow as much as close as possible for both windows and linux... :)

so im really looking for solution, and ive just find this repo.

if this is abandon , ill try to fork it and try to make it work in windows with cerebro.

thanks for this :)

maximbaz commented 3 years ago

Try to make it work, and maybe post here your findings, what did you have to do in order to make it work for you, I would be curious to see 🙂

This is abandoned more or less because Cerebro itself is abandoned - I quickly googled, it seems there is an up-to-date alternative to Cerebro, with last commit 14 days ago, maybe it's something you should consider as well:

gotjoshua commented 1 year ago

Not sure why you say cérebro is abandoned...

Last commit last week, Last release in Feb

maximbaz commented 1 year ago

It has been abandoned for many years, I'm glad someone took over the project :wink:

gotjoshua commented 1 year ago

abandoned for many years

Screen Shot 2023-03-18 at 6 24 18 PM

ahhh now i see what you mean!
