maximebf / php-debugbar

Debug bar for PHP
MIT License
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Modify asset path based on website URL #269

Open EizEddin opened 8 years ago

EizEddin commented 8 years ago


If my website URL is, be default, the assets path will be ignoring the {subdir} directory.

How can I modify the assets' path to include the {subdir}, like this:


tarampampam commented 8 years ago
  1. Symlink. In public directory execute:
ln -s ./../vendor/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/Resources ./debugbar
  1. Apache rewrite. .htaccess example:
<IfModule rewrite_module>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule ^debugbar/(.*) /vendor/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/Resources/$1 [NC,L]
  1. nginx alias:
location ~* ^/debugbar/(.*)$ {
  alias "$root_dir/vendor/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/Resources/$1";

But as i think this is not good ideas. What do you think?

barryvdh commented 8 years ago

Can't you set the baseUrl in the JavascriptRenderer?

tarampampam commented 8 years ago

What is the best practices for making accessible "outside" debugbar assets from vendor directory? This is the first step before setting baseUrl.

barryvdh commented 8 years ago

Whatever you like, setup a symlink, copy the assets or serve them on the fly. I usually do the latter, serving them on demand through a frontend controller.

EizEddin commented 8 years ago

This is what I have done eventually. I have defined the assets' paths in a separate include file, then included that file in the head.

tarampampam commented 8 years ago

One more idea - maybe you can make a bower package for your web accessible resources? Than everyone can install a package and use them without any server reconfiguration

p.s. Sorry for my english

gisostallenberg commented 8 years ago

@EizEddin I think it is a bad idea to serve files straight from vendor/ anyway. IMO all files that reside there should not be directly served by your server software.

fabswt commented 7 years ago

I've wasted a lot of time trying to customize the URL and path to the JS and CSS assets required by PHP DebugBar.

I wish I'd found an example like this in the docs:


ini_set( "display_errors", 1 );


use DebugBar\StandardDebugBar;
use DebugBar\JavascriptRenderer;

$debugbar = new StandardDebugBar();

/** Set the path to the assets.
 * Make sure to do so BEFORE any reference to `getJavascriptRenderer`, else the default values will be used.
 * Note that this is required for Heroku, because the `vendor` directory is restricted on Heroku, meanwhile DebugBar uses it as its default path.
 * See:

// Approach #1 · Works fine.
$debugbarRenderer = $debugbar->getJavascriptRenderer( "", "/path1" );

// Approach #2 · Works only partially, as the path doesn't get set. 
// $debugbarRenderer = new JavascriptRenderer( $debugbar, "", "/path2" );

// Aproach #3 · Works fine
// $debugbarRenderer = $debugbar->getJavascriptRenderer();
// $debugbarRenderer->setOptions( array( 'base_url' => '', 'base_path' => 'path3' ) );

// Default approach:
// $debugbarRenderer = $debugbar->getJavascriptRenderer();

print_r( $debugbar->getJavascriptRenderer()->getAssets() );

$debugbar["messages"]->addMessage("hello world!");
    <?php echo $debugbarRenderer->renderHead() ?>
    <?php echo $debugbarRenderer->render() ?>

(Note that approch #2 did not work for me, as marked in the code's comments.)

What compounded the issue is that I'm using Heroku where serving files from vendor is not possible and results in 403 Forbidden errors.

I'm still looking for a satisfying way to link to the asset files, something better than just duplicating them.

fabswt commented 7 years ago

In addition to restricting access to its /app/vendor folder, Heroku also filters out (i.e.: won't deploy) any vendor folder regardless of its position in the hierarchy.

(This is easily verifiable: create /app/assets then create /app/assets/foo.txt and /app/assets/vendor/bar.txt. Deploy then browse the directories: foo.txt will be there, not bar.txt)

This means that using PHP DebugBar on Heroku would require to also rename Resources/vendor. The path to that folder is inside of protected methods inside of JavascriptRenderer making them not easily customizable.

I hope this helps a bit.

Qrzysio commented 6 years ago

@fabswt I faced the same problem. I had to put the whole path, like this: $debugbarRenderer = new JavascriptRenderer( $debugbar, "");

Nothing else was working.