maximedrn / opensea-automatic-bulk-upload-and-sale

A Selenium Python bot to automatically and bulk upload/ mint and list your NFTs on OpenSea. All metadata compatible, Ethereum and Polygon blockchains supported, reCAPTCHA solvers included.
GNU General Public License v3.0
326 stars 109 forks source link

How to automaticlly solve the captcha while uploading? #98

Closed Kanishka-Chandra closed 2 years ago

Kanishka-Chandra commented 2 years ago

Starting today there is a captcha when creating nft how to automaticlly solve the captcha?

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

From how many uploads of NFTs does the captcha appear? I just tried and I don't have a captcha.

Kanishka-Chandra commented 2 years ago

First it appears on the second upload and then on every 10th upload

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

Send me a short video please. I just tried with 3 NFTs and it works fine. Are you using a VPN, a public WI-FI? Is your IP "detected" by hCaptcha/reCaptcha/Cloudflare?

Kanishka-Chandra commented 2 years ago

Well I am neither using a VPN nor a Public WIFI. As for " IP "detected" by hCaptcha/reCaptcha/Cloudflare?" if do not know how to check it !

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

You can't verify this but if you have ever tried to automate a website with captcha protections, your IP may be blocked. I don't know how I can help you, you should try in a few hours or on another PC / with a different connection. OpenSea uses Cloudflare protection when there is too much traffic on their site but not during the upload.

Kanishka-Chandra commented 2 years ago

No I have never ever automated a website with captcha. As a matter of fact I have only automated opensea that too you your script only

Kanishka-Chandra commented 2 years ago

Also this issue is faced by others too. Also on the nftdevs page there is the same issue, so this is definitely a thing on opensea's end

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

I tried with 15 NFTs and I do not have any captcha. Send me a video.

Kanishka-Chandra commented 2 years ago

2022-02-11 The NFT 2nd and then the 12th one asks for captch, and this pattern continues

zabijacko18 commented 2 years ago

Hey I've been having the same issue and it always shows up on the 2nd upload and every 10th one after that when I go to upload 1000 NFTs. However there is a google chrome extension called Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans but it requires you to manually click on the icon and then it solves the captcha. I'm wondering if it's possible to update the code where it automatically clicks on the buster icon when the captcha appears and I understand that not everyone is getting this issue but it's just a thought. Thanks Here's the extension link:

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

@Kanishka-Chandra, indiscreet question, in which country do you live? OpenSea may use Captchas because there are many bots on the servers in your country.

elwanm commented 2 years ago

@Kanishka-Chandra, indiscreet question, in which country do you live? OpenSea may use Captchas because there are many bots on the servers in your country.

I have the same issue and I Live in Egypt .... its exactly as descried .. the captcha opens on the 2nd upload then every 10 .... i was trying to upload 250 NFTS but the bot stopped to much and skipped many ... so i will have to be watching the bot work

elwanm commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn I think the best workaround right now is to modify the to close the browser after each sale and the open a new session for each upload and sale .... i know that this will slow down the upload process but it is better than having to watch the bot to enter the captcha

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

@Kanishka-Chandra, indiscreet question, in which country do you live? OpenSea may use Captchas because there are many bots on the servers in your country.

I have the same issue and I Live in Egypt .... its exactly as descried .. the captcha opens on the 2nd upload then every 10 .... i was trying to upload 250 NFTS but the bot stopped to much and skipped many ... so i will have to be watching the bot work

@maximedrn I think the best workaround right now is to modify the to close the browser after each sale and the open a new session for each upload and sale .... i know that this will slow down the upload process but it is better than having to watch the bot to enter the captcha

@elwanm, I understand but I don't think it will change anything, your IP will be detected by Google and you will get a reCAPTCHA every time you try to upload to OpenSea. Unfortunately I don't have any reCAPTCHAs (maybe because of my location), I know that some websites block users with anti-bots when they come from Asia or Africa (where many bots are present).

If you have a solution to get around the reCAPTCHAs, I'm a taker! I will try something by re-running the driver or logging out/on again. Buster is nice but its free API has limitations and the extension has to be modified to automatically click the button (and that doesn't work well, in my own experience).

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

Hey I've been having the same issue and it always shows up on the 2nd upload and every 10th one after that when I go to upload 1000 NFTs. However there is a google chrome extension called Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans but it requires you to manually click on the icon and then it solves the captcha. I'm wondering if it's possible to update the code where it automatically clicks on the buster icon when the captcha appears and I understand that not everyone is getting this issue but it's just a thought. Thanks Here's the extension link:

@zabijacko18, for Buster:

Buster is nice but its free API has limitations and the extension has to be modified to automatically click the button (and that doesn't work well, in my own experience).

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

And coding an audio/image recognition is impossible for reCAPTCHAs :/ You will be blocked by Google after 10 tries. I already tried to bypass reCAPTCHAs but it's impossible for free.

aceneil commented 2 years ago

I had the same problem today.

Ugijago commented 2 years ago

same here

Kanishka-Chandra commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn I think the best workaround right now is to modify the to close the browser after each sale and the open a new session for each upload and sale .... i know that this will slow down the upload process but it is better than having to watch the bot to enter the captcha

@elwanm, I understand but I don't think it will change anything, your IP will be detected by Google and you will get a reCAPTCHA every time you try to upload to OpenSea. Unfortunately I don't have any reCAPTCHAs (maybe because of my location), I know that some websites block users with anti-bots when they come from Asia or Africa (where many bots are present).

I thought the same thing of reopening a new browser instance for ever upload and it works, however the only drawback is that it is far slower than the original code.

To do this simply move the for loop code at line no. 743 to 738, fix the indentation and move the line 756 (the web.driver.quit() line) in side the loop.

That said I am working on a code to fully bypass the captcha. As a matter of fact I have kind of fixed the issue but the code still has some bugs and need human help to solve the captcha but it works. So if you people are interested let me know and I will upload my code in its current state.

edwinabp commented 2 years ago

please upload new code, i have same issuee

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

Hello, @Kanishka-Chandra proposed an efficient solution but slower than before the arrival of reCAPTCHA. It consists in restarting the webdriver at each upload. I won't update the code right now, I'll try a solution available in the pull request conversation first. In the meantime you can edit the by yourself by copying the code at this link or by copying it below:

@author: Maxime Dréan.


Copyright © 2022 Maxime Dréan. All rights reserved.
Any distribution, modification or commercial use is strictly prohibited.

Version 1.4.9 - 2022, 13 February.

Transfer as many non-fungible tokens as you want to
the OpenSea marketplace. Easy, efficient and fast,
this tool lets you make your life as an Artist of
the digital world much smoother.

# Colorama module: pip install colorama
from colorama import init, Fore, Style

# Selenium module imports: pip install selenium
from selenium import webdriver
from import expected_conditions as EC
from import WebDriverWait as WDW
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException as TE
from import Service
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import By

# Webdriver Manager module: pip install webdriver-manager
from import ChromeDriverManager as CDM

# Python default imports.
from datetime import datetime as dt
from glob import glob
import os

"""Colorama module constants."""
# This module may not work under MacOS.
init(convert=True, autoreset=True)  # Init the Colorama module.
red = Fore.RED  # Red color.
green = Fore.GREEN  # Green color.
yellow = Fore.YELLOW  # Yellow color.
reset = Style.RESET_ALL  # Reset color attribute.

class Reader:
    """Read files and extract NFTs data. Convert all types into a list."""

    def __init__(self, path: str) -> None:
        """Basically open a file and get all NFTs' data."""
        # Get file's extension to lowercase (MacOS support).
        self.path = path  # Instance the file path.
        # Get splitted file name (['text', '.txt']) and then remove the dot.
        self.extension = os.path.splitext(self.path)[1][1:].lower()
        # Check if the extension is supported by the Reader class.
        if self.extension in ('json', 'csv', 'xlsx'):
            # Eval function: self.extract_{FILE_EXTENSION}_file()
        else:  # Stop running the script.
            exit('The file extension is not supported.')

    def extract_json_file(self) -> None:
        """Transform JSON file format to a list of dictionaries."""
        from json import loads  # A Python default import.
        # Load and read the JSON file and extract "nft" part.
        self.file = loads(open(self.path, encoding='utf-8').read())['nft']
        self.lenght_file = len(self.file)  # Number of NFTs.

    def extract_csv_file(self) -> None:
        """Transform CSV file format to a list of dictionaries."""
        # Open file and splitlines (every "\n") and remove headers.
        # It gets a list of each rows.
        self.file = open(self.path, encoding='utf-8').read().splitlines()[1:]
        self.lenght_file = len(self.file)  # Number of NFTs.

    def extract_xlsx_file(self) -> None:
        """Transform XLSX file format to a dictionnary {key: {value, ...}}."""
        from pandas import read_excel  # Pandas module: pip install pandas
        self.file = read_excel(self.path)  # Read the Excel (XLSX) file.
        self.lenght_file = self.file.shape[0]  # Get number of rows.
        self.file = self.file.to_dict()  # Transform XLSX to a dictionnnary.

class Structure:
    """Structure JSON/CSV/XLSX data lists or dictionnaries."""

    def __init__(self, action: list) -> None:
        """Make a copy of the readed file and its extension."""
        self.file = reader.file.copy()  # File data copy.
        self.extension = reader.extension  # File extension copy.
        self.action = action  # 1, 2 or 1 and 2.
        if 1 in self.action and 2 not in self.action:
            from uuid import uuid4  # A Python default import.
            self.save_file = f'data/{str(uuid4())[:8]}.csv'
            with open(self.save_file, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as file:
                file.write('nft_url;; supply;; blockchain;; type;; price;; '
                           'method;; duration;; specific_buyer;; quantity')

    def get_data(self, nft_number: int) -> None:
        """Get NFT's data."""
        self.nft_number = nft_number
        # Eval function: self.structure_{FILE_EXTENSION}()

    def structure_json(self) -> None:
        """Transform JSON dictionnaries list to a whole list."""
        nft_data = self.file[self.nft_number]  # Get datas of index.
        # Get key's value from the NFT data.
        nft_data = [nft_data[data] for data in nft_data]
        # Take each element in the list and check it.
            element) for element in nft_data])  # Then structure data.

    def structure_csv(self) -> None:
        """Transform CSV file into a list."""
        # Note: each information is split every ";;", you can change the
        self.structure_data(self.change_type(  # characters to others.

    def structure_xlsx(self) -> None:
        """Transform XLSX file into a list."""
            element.replace('nan', '').strip() if isinstance(element, str) else
            element for element in self.change_type([self.file[element].get(
                self.nft_number) for element in self.file])])

    def dict_to_list(self, element: dict or str) -> list or str:
        """Transform a dictionnary into a list. - JSON file method."""
        if isinstance(element, list):  # If element is a list.
            final_list = []  # Final list that will be return.
            for item in element:  # For each item in this list.
                temp_list = []  # Store all key's value.
                if isinstance(item, dict):  # If element is a dict.
                    # For each key in dict (item), get key's value.
                    [temp_list.append(item.get(key)) for key in item]
                    temp_list = item  # Do nothing.
                final_list.append(temp_list)  # Append the temp list.
            return final_list
            return element  # Return the same element.

    def change_type(self, nft_data: list) -> list:
        """Change type of element with a literal eval."""
        from ast import literal_eval  # A Python default import.
        list_ = []  # List that contains NFT's data.
        for data in nft_data:  # Get each element of NFT's data.
            element = str(data).strip()  # Remove whitespaces.
            try:  # Change type of element (str to int/float/list/bool).
                # In case of element is an integer, float, list or boolean.
            except Exception:  # SyntaxError or ValueError.
                # In case of element is a real string.
        return list_

    def structure_data(self, nft_data: list) -> None:
        """Structure each data of the NFT in a variable."""
        # self.nft_data_list = nft_data  # For development.
        index = 9 if 1 not in self.action else 0
        if 1 in self.action:  # Upload part.
            self.file_path: str or list = nft_data[0]
            self.nft_name: str = str(nft_data[1])  # Set string value to
   str = str(nft_data[2])  # real string to prevent
            self.description: str = str(nft_data[3])  # different types.
            self.collection: str = str(nft_data[4])
   list = nft_data[5]  # [[type, name], ...].
            self.levels: list = nft_data[6]  # [[name, from, to], ...].
            self.stats: list = nft_data[7]  # [[name, from, to], ...].
            self.unlockable_content: list or bool = nft_data[8]  # [bool, str].
            self.explicit_and_sensitive_content: bool = nft_data[9]
   int = nft_data[10]
            self.blockchain: str = str(nft_data[11]).capitalize()
        if 2 in self.action:  # Sale part.
            self.type: str = str(nft_data[12 - index]).title()
            self.price: float or int = nft_data[13 - index]
            self.method: list = nft_data[14 - index]  # [method, price].
            self.duration: list or str = nft_data[15 - index]
            self.specific_buyer: list or bool = nft_data[16 - index]
            self.quantity: int = nft_data[17 - index]
        if index != 0:  # Sale only!
            self.nft_url: str = str(nft_data[0])
   int = nft_data[1]
            self.blockchain: str = str(nft_data[2]).capitalize()

    def is_empty(self, element: str, data: str, value: str = '') -> bool:
        """Check if data is empty and input its value."""
        if data != value:  # Check if the data is not an empty string
            web.send_keys(element, data)  # or a default value, and send it.
            return False
        return True

    def save_nft(self, url) -> None:
        """Save the NFT URL, Blockchain and supply number in a file."""
        # Note: only CSV file will be created.
        with open(self.save_file, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            file.write(f'\n{url};; {};; {self.blockchain};;'
                       ' ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;')  # Complete data manually.
        print(f'{green}Data saved in {self.save_file}')

class Webdriver:
    """Webdriver class and methods to prevent exceptions."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Contains the file paths of the webdriver and the extension."""
        # Used files path, change them with your path if necessary.
        self.metamask_extension_path = os.path.abspath('assets/MetaMask.crx')
        self.driver = self.webdriver()  # Start new webdriver.

    def webdriver(self) -> webdriver:
        """Start a webdriver and return its state."""
        options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()  # Configure options for Chrome.
        options.add_extension(self.metamask_extension_path)  # Add extension.
        options.add_argument("log-level=3")  # No logs is printed.
        options.add_argument("--mute-audio")  # Audio is muted.
        options.add_argument("--lang=en-US")  # Set webdriver language
        options.add_experimental_option(  # to English. - 2 methods.
            'prefs', {'intl.accept_languages': 'en,en_US'})
        driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=Service( # DeprecationWarning using
            CDM().install()), options=options)  # executable_path.
        driver.maximize_window()  # Maximize window to reach all elements.
        return driver

    def clickable(self, element: str) -> None:
        """Click on an element if it's clickable using Selenium."""
            WDW(self.driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable(
                (By.XPATH, element))).click()
        except Exception:  # Some buttons need to be visible to be clickable,
            self.driver.execute_script(  # so JavaScript can bypass this.
                'arguments[0].click();', self.visible(element))

    def visible(self, element: str):
        """Check if an element is visible using Selenium."""
        return WDW(self.driver, 10).until(
            EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, element)))

    def send_keys(self, element: str, keys: str) -> None:
        """Send keys to an element if it's visible using Selenium."""
        except Exception:  # Some elements are not visible but are present.
            WDW(self.driver, 5).until(EC.presence_of_element_located(
                (By.XPATH, element))).send_keys(keys)

    def send_date(self, element: str, keys: str) -> None:
        """Send a date (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM) to a date input by clicking on it."""
        keys = keys.split('-') if '-' in keys else [keys]
        keys = [keys[1], keys[0], keys[2]] if len(keys) > 1 else keys
        for part in range(len(keys) - 1 if keys[len(keys) - 1]  # Compare years
                          == str( else len(keys)):  # for clicks.
            self.clickable(element)  # Click first on the element.
            self.send_keys(element, keys[part])  # Then send it the date.

    def clear_text(self, element) -> None:
        """Clear text from an input."""
        self.clickable(element)  # Click on the element then clear its text.
        # Note: change with 'darwin' if it's not working on MacOS.
        control = Keys.COMMAND if == 'posix' else Keys.CONTROL

    def window_handles(self, window_number: int) -> None:
        """Check for window handles and wait until a specific tab is opened."""
        WDW(self.driver, 30).until(lambda _: len(
            self.driver.window_handles) > window_number)
        # Switch to the asked tab.

class Wallets:
    """Allows connection to OpenSea with different wallets."""

    def __init__(self, wallet: int, password: int,
                         recovery_phrase: str) -> None:
        """Get the wallet and connect to the extension/etc."""
        self.recovery_phrase = recovery_phrase  # Get the phrase.
        self.password = password  # Get the new/same password.
        self.wallet = wallet.lower().replace(' ', '_')  # Wallet user choice.

    def contract(self) -> None:
        """Use the method of the wallet to sign the contract."""

    def login(self) -> None:
        """Connect to OpenSea using a specific wallet."""

    def metamask_login(self) -> None:
        """Login to the MetaMask extension."""
        try:  # Try to login to the MetaMask extension.
            print('Login to MetaMask.', end=' ')
            web.window_handles(0)  # Switch to the MetaMask extension tab.
            web.driver.refresh()  # Reload the page to prevent a blank page.
            # Click on the "Start" button.
            # Click on the "Import wallet" button.
            web.clickable('//*[contains(@class, "btn-primary")][position()=1]')
            # Click on the "I agree" button.
            # Input the recovery phrase.
            web.send_keys('//input[position()=1]', self.recovery_phrase)
            # Input a new password or the same password of your account.
            web.send_keys('//*[@id="password"]', self.password)
            web.send_keys('//*[@id="confirm-password"]', self.password)
            # Click on the "I have read and agree to the..." checkbox.
            # Click on the "Import" button.
            web.clickable('//*[contains(@class, "btn-primary")][position()=1]')
            # Wait until the login worked and click on the "All done" button".
            web.visible('//*[contains(@class, "emoji")][position()=1]')
            web.clickable('//*[contains(@class, "btn-primary")][position()=1]')
            print(f'{green}Logged to MetaMask.{reset}')
        except Exception:  # Failed - a web element is not accessible.
            print(f'{red}Login to MetaMask failed, retrying...{reset}')

    def metamask_contract(self) -> None:
        """Sign a MetaMask contract to login to OpenSea."""
        # Click on the "Sign" button - Make a contract link.
        web.clickable('//*[contains(@class, "button btn-secondary")]')
        try:  # Wait until the MetaMask pop up is closed.
            WDW(web.driver, 10).until(EC.number_of_windows_to_be(2))
        except TE:
            self.metamask_contract()  # Sign the contract a second time.
        web.window_handles(1)  # Switch back to the OpenSea tab.

class OpenSea:
    """Main class: OpenSea automatic uploader."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Get the password and the recovery_phrase from the text file."""
        self.login_url = ''
        self.create_url = ''  # OpenSea URLs.

    def login(self) -> None:
        """Login to OpenSea using MetaMask."""
        try:  # Try to login to the OpenSea using MetaMask.
            print('Login to OpenSea.', end=' ')
            web.window_handles(1)  # Switch to the main (data:,) tab.
            web.driver.get(self.login_url)  # Go to the OpenSea login URL.
            # Click on the "Show more options" button.
            web.clickable('//button[contains(@class, "show-more")]')
            # Click on the "MetaMask" button in list of wallets.
            web.clickable('//*[contains(text(), "MetaMask")]/../..')
            web.window_handles(2)  # Switch to the MetaMask pop up tab.
            # Click on the "Next" button.
            web.clickable('//*[@class="button btn-primary"]')
            # Click on the "Connect" button.
            web.clickable('//*[contains(@class, "button btn-primary")]')
            web.window_handles(2)  # Switch to the MetaMask pop up tab.
            wallet.contract()  # Sign the contract.
            # Check if the login worked.
            WDW(web.driver, 15).until(EC.url_to_be(self.create_url))
            print(f'{green}Logged to OpenSea.{reset}\n')
        except Exception:  # The contract failed.
                web.window_handles(1)  # Switch back to the OpenSea tab.
                web.window_handles(2)  # Switch to the MetaMask pop up tab.
                wallet.contract()  # Sign the contract.
                # Check if the login worked.
                WDW(web.driver, 15).until(EC.url_to_be(self.create_url))
                print(f'{green}Logged to OpenSea.{reset}\n')
            except Exception:
                print(f'{red}Login to OpenSea failed. Retrying.{reset}')
                web.driver.refresh()  # Reload the page (is the login failed?).
                self.login()  # Retry everything.

    def upload(self, number: int) -> bool:
        """Upload multiple NFTs automatically on OpenSea."""
        print(f'Uploading NFT n°{number}/{reader.lenght_file}.', end=' ')
        try:  # Go to the OpenSea create URL and input all datas of the NFT.
            web.driver.get(self.create_url + '?enable_supply=true')
            if isinstance(structure.file_path, list):
                if len(structure.file_path) == 2:
                    file_path = os.path.abspath(structure.file_path[0])
                    preview = os.path.abspath(structure.file_path[1])
            else:  # No preview file.
                file_path = os.path.abspath(structure.file_path)
            if not os.path.exists(file_path):  # Upload the NFT file.
                raise TE('File doesn\'t exist or path is incorrect.')
            if os.path.getsize(file_path) / (1024 ** 2) > 100:
                raise TE('File size must be less than 100 MegaBytes.')
            if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1][1:].lower() not in \
                ('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'svg', 'mp4',  # Check the file
                 'webm', 'mp3', 'wav', 'ogg', 'glb', 'gltf'):  # extensions.
                raise TE('The file extension is not supported on OpenSea.')
            structure.is_empty('//*[@id="media"]', file_path)
            if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1][1:].lower() in \
                    ('mp4', 'webm', 'mp3', 'wav', 'ogg', 'glb', 'gltf'):
                if not os.path.exists(preview):  # Upload the NFT file.
                    raise TE('File doesn\'t exist or path is incorrect.')
                if os.path.getsize(preview) / (1024 ** 2) > 100:
                    raise TE('File size must be less than 100 MegaBytes.')
                structure.is_empty('//input[@name="preview"]', preview)
            # Input NFT name.
            if structure.is_empty('//*[@id="name"]', structure.nft_name):
                raise TE('The NFT name is missing.')
            # Input external link.
            # Input description.
            structure.is_empty('//*[@id="description"]', structure.description)
            if not structure.is_empty(  # Input collection and select it.
                    '//form/div[5]/div/div[2]/input', structure.collection):
                try:  # Try to click on the collection button.
                    collection = ('//span[contains(text(), "'
                    web.visible(collection)  # Check that the collection span
                    web.clickable(collection)  # is visible and click on it.
                except Exception:  # If collection doesn't exist.
                    raise TE('Collection doesn\'t exist or can\'t be found.')
            datas = [, structure.levels, structure.stats]
            for index in range(len(datas)):  # Add properties, levels & stats.
                if not len(datas[index]) > 0:  # Check if data is not empty.
                    continue  # Pass this data because it's empty or null.
                # Change element from a list of strings to a list of lists.
                if not isinstance(datas[index][0], list):
                    datas[index] = [datas[index]]  # Target maybe useless.
                web.clickable(  # Click on "+" button to open the pop up.
                    f'//form/section/div[{index + 1}]/div/div[2]/button')
                number_ = 0
                for data in datas[index]:
                    if number_ > 0:  # If there are more than 1 element.
                        # Click on "Add more" button.
                    number_ += 1  # Increase number to add more element.
                    web.send_keys(  # Input values in the inputs.
                        f'/html/body/div[{index + 2}]/div/div/div/section/tabl'
                        f'e/tbody/tr[{number_}]/td[1]/div/div/input', data[0])
                    for rank in [3, 2]:  # Input third and second values.
                        if len(data) == 3 or rank == 2:  # 1 or 2 loops.
                            actual_element = f'/html/body/div[{index + 2}]' + \
                                '/div/div/div/section/table/tbody/' + \
                            web.clear_text(actual_element)  # Default text.
                            web.send_keys(actual_element, data[rank - 1])
                web.clickable('//footer/button')  # Click on the "Save" button.
            # Click on the "Unlockable Content" switch if it's true.
            if isinstance(structure.unlockable_content, list):  # If not False.
                if len(structure.unlockable_content) > 0:  # Not an empty list.
                    if isinstance(structure.unlockable_content[0], bool):
                        if structure.unlockable_content[0]:  # If True.
                                          '"]', Keys.ENTER)  # Toggle button.
                            web.send_keys(  # Input the unlockable content.
                                '//div[contains(@class, "unlockable")]/'
                                'textarea', structure.unlockable_content[1])
            # Click on the "Explicit & Sensitive Content" switch if it's true.
            if structure.explicit_and_sensitive_content != '':  # Not empty.
                if isinstance(structure.explicit_and_sensitive_content, bool):
                    if structure.explicit_and_sensitive_content:  # True.
                                      Keys.ENTER)  # Toggle button.
            # Set number of supplies if it's not an empty string.
            if != '' and 'supply=' in web.driver.current_url:
                if isinstance(, int):  # Integer.
                    if > 1:  # Set supplies deleting default
                        web.send_keys('//*[@id="supply"]',  # supply (= 1).
            else:  # This is important for the sale part.
       = 1
            # Set Blockchain if it's different from "Ethereum".
            if structure.blockchain != '':  # If it's not an empty string.
                if web.visible('//*[@id="chain"]').get_attribute('value') \
                        != structure.blockchain:  # Compare to the span text.
                    try:  # Try to select the Blockchain.
                        web.clickable('//*[@id="chain"]/..')  # Open the sheet.
                        web.clickable('//span[contains(text(), '
                    except Exception:  # Blockchain is unknown.
                        raise TE('Blockchain is unknown or badly written.')
            else:  # This is important for the sale part.
                structure.blockchain = 'Ethereum'
            web.clickable('(//div[contains(@class, "submit")])'  # Click on the
                          '[position()=1]/div/span/button')  # "Create" button.
            WDW(web.driver, 30).until(lambda _: web.driver.current_url !=
                                      self.create_url + '?enable_supply=true')
            print(f'{green}NFT uploaded.{reset}')
            if 2 not in structure.action:  # Save the data for future upload.
            return True  # If it perfectly worked.
        except Exception as error:  # An element is not reachable.
            print(f'{red}An error occured.{reset} {error}')
            return False  # If it failed.

    def sale(self, number: int, date: str = '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M') -> None:
        """Set a price for the NFT and sell it."""
        print(f'Sale of the NFT n°{number}/{len(structure.file)}.', end=' ')
        try:  # Try to sell the NFT with different types and methods.
            if 2 in structure.action and 1 not in structure.action:
                web.driver.get(structure.nft_url + '/sell')  # NFT sale page.
            else:  # The NFT has just been uploaded.
                web.driver.get(web.driver.current_url + '/sell')  # Sale page.
            if not isinstance(, int):
                raise TE('The supply number must be an integer.')
            elif == 1 and structure.blockchain == 'Ethereum':
                if not isinstance(structure.price, int) and not \
                        isinstance(structure.price, float):
                    raise TE('The price must be an integer or a float.')
                if 'Timed' in str(structure.type):  # Timed Auction.
                    # Click on the "Timed Auction" button.
                    if isinstance(structure.method, list):  # If it's a list.
                        if len(structure.method) == 2:  # [method, price]
                            if not isinstance(structure.method[1], int) and \
                                    not isinstance(structure.method[1], float):
                                raise TE('Prices must be integer or float.')
                            if 'declining' in str(structure.method[0]):
                                web.clickable(  # Click on the method button.
                                # Click on the "Sell with declining price"
                                web.clickable('//*[@role="tooltip"]'  # button.
                                if structure.method[1] < structure.price:
                                    web.send_keys(  # Input the ending price.
                                        '//*[@name="endingPrice"]', format(
                                            structure.method[1], '.8f'))
                                else:  # Ending price is higher than the price.
                                    raise TE('The ending price must be higher'
                                             ' than the starting price.')
                            elif 'highest' in str(structure.method[0]):
                                if structure.method[1] > 0:  # Reserve price.
                                    if structure.method[1] <= 1 or structure \
                                            .method[1] < structure.price:
                                        raise TE('Reserve price must be higher'
                                                 ' than 1 WETH and the price.')
                                    # Click on the "More option" button.
                                    web.clickable('//button[contains(@class, '
                                    # Click on the "Include reserve price"
                                    web.send_keys(  # toggle switch button.
                                        '//*[@role="switch"]', Keys.ENTER)
                                    web.send_keys(  # Input the reserve price.
                                        format(structure.method[1], '.8f'))
                            else:  # Not a Declining price or a Highest bidder.
                                raise TE('Unknown method for Timed Auction.')
            elif > 1:  # Set a quantity of supply.
                if isinstance(structure.quantity, int):  # Quantity is int.
                    if structure.quantity <=
                        web.send_keys('//*[@id="quantity"]',  # Supply to sell.
                    else:  # Quantity number is higher that supply number.
                        raise TE('Quantity must be less or equal to supplies.')
            elif structure.blockchain not in ('Ethereum', 'Polygon'):
                raise TE('Blockchain is unknown or badly written.')
            if 'Timed' not in str(structure.type):  # Set a specific buyer.
                if isinstance(structure.specific_buyer, list):
                    if len(structure.specific_buyer) == 2:
                        if isinstance(structure.specific_buyer[0], bool):
                            if structure.specific_buyer[0]:
                                # Click on the "More option" button.
                                              'ss, "more-options")]')
                                # Click on "Reserve for specific buyer".
                                web.send_keys(  # Input a specific buyer.
                                    'Name"]', structure.specific_buyer[1])
            web.send_keys('//*[@name="price"]', format(structure.price, '.8f'))
            if isinstance(structure.duration, str):  # Transform to a list.
                structure.duration = [structure.duration]
            if isinstance(structure.duration, list):  # List of 1 or 2 values.
                if len(structure.duration) == 2:  # From {date} to {date}.
                    from datetime import datetime as dt  # Default import.
                    # Check if duration is less than 6 months.
                    if (dt.strptime(structure.duration[1], date) -
                            dt.strptime(structure.duration[0], date
                                        )).total_seconds() / 60 > 262146:
                        raise TE('Duration must be less than 6 months.')
                    # Check if starting date has passed.
                    if dt.strptime(dt.strftime(, date), date) \
                            > dt.strptime(structure.duration[0], date):
                        raise TE('Starting date has passed.')
                    # Split the date and the time.
                    start_date, start_time = structure.duration[0].split(' ')
                    end_date, end_time = structure.duration[1].split(' ')
                    web.clickable('//*[@id="duration"]')  # Date button.
                    web.visible(  # Scroll to the pop up frame of the date.
                    web.send_date('//*[@role="dialog"]'  # Ending date.
                                  '/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/input', end_date)
                    web.send_date('//*[@role="dialog"]/'  # Starting date.
                                  'div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/input', start_date)
                    web.send_date('//*[@id="end-time"]', end_time)  # End date.
                    web.send_date('//*[@id="start-time"]',  # Starting date +
                                  f'{start_time}{Keys.ENTER}')  # close frame.
                elif len(structure.duration) == 1:  # In {n} days/week/months.
                    if structure.duration[0] == '':  # Duration not specified.
                        raise TE('Duration must be specified.')
                    if web.visible('//*[@id="duration"]/div[2]').text \
                            != structure.duration[0]:  # Not default.
                        web.clickable('//*[@id="duration"]')  # Date button.
                        web.clickable('//*[@role="dialog"]'  # Duration Range
                                      '/div[1]/div/div[2]/input')  # sheet.
                        web.clickable('//span[contains(text(), '   # Date span.
                        web.send_keys('//*[@role="dialog"]', Keys.ENTER)
            try:  # Click on the "Complete listing" (submit) button.
            except Exception:  # An unknown error has occured.
                raise TE('The submit button cannot be clicked.')
            try:  # Polygon blockchain requires a click on a button.
                if structure.blockchain == 'Polygon':
                                  '/div/div/button')  # "Sign" button.
                web.window_handles(2)  # Switch to the MetaMask pop up tab.
                wallet.contract()  # Sign the contract.
            except Exception:  # No deposit or an unknown error occured.
                raise TE('You need to make a deposit before proceeding'
                         ' to listing of your NFTs.')
            web.window_handles(1)  # Switch back to the OpenSea tab.
            try:  # Wait until the NFT is listed.
                web.visible('//header/h4')  # "Your NFT is listed!".
                print(f'{green}NFT put up for sale.{reset}')
            except Exception:  # An error occured while listing the NFT.
                raise TE('The NFT is not listed.')
        except Exception as error:  # Failed, an error has occured.
            print(f'{red}NFT sale cancelled.{reset} {error}')

def choose_wallet() -> int:
    """Ask the user for a wallet to connect to OpenSea."""
    wallets = ['MetaMask']  # New wallets will be added.
    while True:
        print(f'{yellow}\nChoose a wallet:')
        [print(f'{wallets.index(wallet) + 1} - {wallet}'
               ) for wallet in wallets]  # Print wallets.
        answer = input('Wallet: ')  # Get the user answer.
        if not answer.isdigit():  # Check if answer is a number.
            print(f'{red}Answer must be an integer.')
        elif int(answer) > len(wallets) or int(answer) <= 0:
            print(f'{red}Wallet doesn\'t exist.')
        else:  # Return the name of wallet with a function format.
            return wallets[int(answer) - 1].lower().replace(' ', '_')

def read_file(file_: str, question: str) -> str:
    """Read file or ask for data to write in text file."""
    if not os.path.isfile(f'assets/{file_}.txt'):
        open(f'assets/{file_}.txt', 'a')  # Create a file if it doesn't exist.
    with open(f'assets/{file_}.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        text =  # Read the file.
        if text == '':  # If the file is empty.
            text = input(question)  # Ask the question.
            if input(f'Do you want to save your {file_} in '
                     'a text file? (y/n) ').lower() != 'y':
                print(f'{yellow}Not saved.{reset}')
                file.write(text)  # Write the text in file.
        return text

def perform_action() -> list:
    """Suggest multiple actions to the user."""
    while True:
        [print(string) for string in [
            f'{yellow}\nChoose an action to perform:{reset}',
            '1 - Upload and sell NFTs (18 details/NFT).',
            '2 - Upload NFTs (12 details/NFT).', '3 - Sell '
            'NFTs (9 details/NFT including 3 autogenerated).']]
        number = input('Action number: ')
        if number.isdigit():  # Check if answer is a number.
            if int(number) > 0:
                return [[1, 2], [1], [2]][int(number) - 1]
        print(f'{red}Answer must be a strictly positive integer.{reset}')

def data_file() -> str:
    """Read the data folder and extract JSON, CSV and XLSX files."""
    while True:
        file_number, files_list = 0, []
        print(f'{yellow}\nChoose your file:{reset}\n0 - Browse a file on PC.')
        for files in [glob(f'data/{extension}')  # Files of the data folder.
                      for extension in ['*.json', '*.csv', '*.xlsx']]:
            for file in files:
                file_number += 1
                print(f'{file_number} - {os.path.abspath(file)}')
        answer = input('File number: ')
        cls()  # Clear console.
        if not answer.isdigit():  # Check if answer is a number.
            print(f'{red}Answer must be an integer.{reset}')
        elif int(answer) == 0:  # Browse a file on PC.
            print(f'{yellow}Browsing on your computer...{reset}')
            from tkinter import Tk  # Tkinter module: pip install tk
            from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
            Tk().withdraw()  # Hide Tkinter tab.
            return askopenfilename(filetypes=[('', '.json .csv .xlsx')])
        elif int(answer) <= len(files_list):
            return files_list[int(answer) - 1]  # Return path of file.
        print(f'{red}File doesn\'t exist.{reset}')

def cls() -> None:
    """Clear console function."""
    # Clear console for Windows using 'cls' and Linux & Mac using 'clear'.
    os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    cls()  # Clear console.

    print(f'{green}Created by Maxime Dréan.'
          '\n\nCopyright © 2022 Maxime Dréan. All rights reserved.'
          '\nAny distribution, modification or commercial use is strictly'
          ' prohibited.'
          f'\n\nVersion 1.4.9 - 2022, 13 February.\n{reset}'
          '\nIf you face any problem, please open an issue.')

    input('\nPRESS [ENTER] TO CONTINUE. ')
    cls()  # Clear console.

    print(f'{green}Created by Maxime Dréan.'
          '\n\nCopyright © 2022 Maxime Dréan. All rights reserved.'
          '\nAny distribution, modification or commercial use is strictly'
          f' prohibited.{reset}')

    wallet = Wallets(choose_wallet(),  # Send the password / recovery phrase.
        read_file('password', '\nWhat is your MetaMask password? '), read_file(
            'recovery_phrase', '\nWhat is your MetaMask recovery phrase? '))
    action = perform_action()  # What the user wants to do.
    reader = Reader(data_file())  # Ask for a file and read it.
    structure = Structure(action)

    for nft_number in range(reader.lenght_file):

        web = Webdriver()  # Start a new webdriver and init its methods.
        opensea = OpenSea()  # Init the OpenSea clas.
        wallet.login()  # Connect to MetaMask.
        opensea.login()  # Connect to OpenSea.

        structure.get_data(nft_number)  # Structure the data of the NFT.
        upload = None  # Prevent Undefined value error.
        if 1 in action:  # 1 = Upload. If user wants to upload the NFT.
            upload = opensea.upload(nft_number + 1)  # Upload the NFT.
        if 2 in action:  # 2 - Sale. If user wants to sell the NFT.
            if 1 in action and not upload:  # Do not upload the NFT because of
                continue  # a user choice or a failure of the upload.
            elif isinstance(structure.price, int) or \
                    isinstance(structure.price, float):
                if structure.price > 0:  # If price has been defined.
           + 1)  # Sell NFT.

        web.driver.quit()  # Stop the webdriver.

    print(f'\n{green}All done! Your NFTs have been uploaded/sold.{reset}')
indover commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn check pls connection to Metamask by scrip, not all checkboxes are green

edwinabp commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn thanks bro

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

Is this captcha only for uploading or also for selling?

Amogha-Maiya commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn only while listing the nft CAPTCHAS show up.....

indover commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn I have only for uploading, every 10 items (confirm y r not robot and next step = images)

berkaytscc commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn Did you come up with a solution?

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn Did you come up with a solution?

Version 1.5.0 is uploaded. It seems to work fine.

tenumars commented 2 years ago

awesome thank you so much!

tenumars commented 2 years ago

did you just change

berkaytscc commented 2 years ago

Why does this bot wants my recovery phrase?

berkaytscc commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn can you explain this? I want to understand and would like to be safe

indover commented 2 years ago

@maximedrn Nice, working well, but after 20 uploading I have error with metamask, and script starts from the beginning (from first nft) Screenshot from 2022-02-17 12-16-13

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

It's fixed :) I'm sorry for this stupid mistake.

I'm closing this issue because its purpose was to solve reCAPTCHAs. Thank you for your help!

maximedrn commented 2 years ago

Why does this bot wants my recovery phrase?

The bot need it to connect to the MetaMask extension. Then it can connect to OpenSea to start the upload/sale.