maximehamm / tzatziki

Cucumber y Tzatziki
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Breakpoints need restart of IntelliJ to appear, and takes several seconds to add #15

Closed emeli-fransson-2-wcar closed 2 years ago

emeli-fransson-2-wcar commented 2 years ago

Using Cucumber+ 9.0.3 and IntelliJ 2021.2.1 Community

Breakpoints do not appear when clicking in gutter in Gherkin files, or by pressing Ctrl+F8. I was able to get a breakpoint to appear in the Gherkin file by adding it to the implementation and restarting IntellJ, then a breakpoint would appear in the Gherkin file as well. A restart of IntelliJ is needed to remove the breakpoint as well. Also. adding or removing a breakpoint in the implementation takes several seconds.

Other than that, great plugin!

maximehamm commented 2 years ago

Hello Emili Which language are you using ? Java or Kotlin ? Does it happen always or sometimes ?

emeli-fransson-2-wcar commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm using Java and it happens always

maximehamm commented 2 years ago

Hi I'm disappointed... I'm unable to reproduce this issue... I've fixed another issue reported by someone else... may be it is related to this... can you check with version 9.1.x ? Is there some error logs available from "event log" window ? Maxime

maximehamm commented 2 years ago

Hi Emili Do you still use Cucumber+ ? I've fixed some issue in the version 9.2.0 which might fix this... can you tell me please ? Maxime

maximehamm commented 2 years ago

Il think it should be fixed... let me know if not !

maximehamm commented 2 years ago

Oups, I just found that the problem occurs on another PC of mine... let's investigate it !