maximehamm / tzatziki

Cucumber y Tzatziki
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Adding Support for Javascript to run tests #29

Closed DannyEnsink closed 2 years ago

DannyEnsink commented 2 years ago

When clicking the "Run Test" arrow all tests always fail, it seems Javascript running of tests like this doesn't work (yet)? Will you consider adding support for it?

I'm using Cucumber/Gherkin with Cypress in Rider IDE.

image image

maximehamm commented 2 years ago

Hello Danny

Tu run a test you have to install some other plugin like cucumber for Java, cucumber for Scala, cucumber.js, etc...

Cucumber+ added the support to run a SINGLE LINE of a scenario outline (i.e one table line), which is not supported by any of previous languages. But Cucumber+ did this ONLY FOR JAVA because only cucumber for Java was designed for it...

Once this is said, it is still strange that all your tests are down... did you install cucumber.js ? I noticed that the use of both cucumber.js and cucumber for Java does not work well...

Hope this will help,

Kind regards


DannyEnsink commented 2 years ago

Current plug-ins installed related to testing are: Cucumber.js, Cucumber +, Gherkin and Cypress Support. No Java is used and cucumber for Java cant be installed in Rider (as Rider is focussed for C#, not Java).

maximehamm commented 2 years ago

Hi I think you should investigate project configuration... tests are launched by Cucumber.js... May be, to be sure that there is no side-effect due tu cucumber+, you can try to deactivate it...

DannyEnsink commented 2 years ago

Hi, Been digging through all the project configurations but I haven't found a solution just yet. Cucumber+ is disabled at this point and even with Cypress Support Pro, the tests are still launched by Cucumber.js. I can create manual configuration with the Cypress configurations, but the sidebar green arrow still only runs as Cucumber.js.

Any help is appreciated very much.

DannyEnsink commented 2 years ago

I found a fix, which ended up being rather simple.

Inside Rider IDE go to File > Settings... > Languages & Frameworks > Cypress > Cypress config file path.

By default this field is empty and the IDE is supposed to look for the cypress.json file by itself, but in our case it seems to not being able to find it (although the IDE isn't saying it cannot find it).

So the solution ended up being to put the path to the cypress.json file there and everything started to work.

maximehamm commented 2 years ago

Strange behevior ! Nice job !