maximehamm / tzatziki

Cucumber y Tzatziki
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Plugins gherkin & org.intellij.intelliLang required in MPS-2020.3.3 #4

Closed eteichm closed 3 years ago

eteichm commented 3 years ago

Hello, I installed JetBrains MPS 2020.3.3 and added the Cucumber + plugin via Settings > Plugins. This plugin required the installation of Gherkin. I did it via web page Gherkin required the installation of intelliLang and YAML (also via the plugins web page). However for those plugins it did not find a plugin version compatible with MPS 2020.3.3. On MPS Slack I raised the issue and got the following feedback: These are all IDEA plugins, they won't help you much with MPS If this is so, please indicate that Cucumber + plugin is not compatible with MPS.

maximehamm commented 3 years ago

Hello Sorry for that. I confirm that I was not able to install Gherkin with MPS... You should report this to Jetbrain. You should consider using Intellij Community for example... Kind regards Maxime

eteichm commented 3 years ago

Thanks. I learned how to see with which tool and what version a plugin is compatible. Gherkin seems compatible with future versions of MPS. Best regards, Eric