maximehamm / tzatziki

Cucumber y Tzatziki
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Non-capturing groups when matching regex from step implementation #47

Closed vrnvorona closed 1 year ago

vrnvorona commented 1 year ago

There is small (non-breaking) issue with autocomplete. For example I have step def like this: ^I have (?:cake|ice cream)$

Realistically it is two steps in one. But when using autocomplete with this plugin if I type "I have" it will suggest "I have <param>"

cucumber for ruby does this so maybe there is possible fix for this?

maximehamm commented 1 year ago

Hi Vladislav Cucumber+ is suggesting all already-used steps... whereas Gherkin plugin from Idea is suggesting steps from step implementation... Then you should report that to Jetbrain : What you're asking for (which is a nice suggestion) is impleted some where inside this class : org.jetbrains.plugins.cucumber.completion.CucumberCompletionContributor