maximehamm / tzatziki

Cucumber y Tzatziki
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Support for language specific auto completion #56

Closed eitzenbe closed 3 months ago

eitzenbe commented 10 months ago

Hi Maxime,

I was wondering if there is any chance that such a feature could be added ?

So like when i have

@When("I do somethjing") @Wenn("Ich etwas tue") public void ....

@Then("I somethjing happens") public void ....

and I am in an english feature file when I enter "When I" then the autocompletion shows TWO options but when I am in a german feature file and I enter "Wenn I" i would only get the single german step def proposed?

Would be interested to see this being supported ;)

maximehamm commented 3 months ago

Hello I'm not sure this will fit for all Cucumber+ user... then here is what I've done : --> Let filter completion according to tag filtering setup


This will be available in release 16.5

Please rate the plugin if you like it :)