maximehamm / tzatziki

Cucumber y Tzatziki
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Gherkin auto-complete? #7

Closed LimeBlast closed 3 years ago

LimeBlast commented 3 years ago

Hi, I love this plugin, thank you so much for creating and continuing to support it.

Can I make a request? Do you have any plans to include autocomplete for feature files? i.e. the ability to start typing a step definition within a .feature file, and have it automatically suggest other steps which already exist?

I've noticed a few other IDEs have plugins which provide this (eg:, and it would be really cool if JetBrains IDEs did too.

Thank you.

LimeBlast commented 3 years ago

Some minor updates, now I've played with Cucumber+ a little more.

It seems like there is some amount of autocomplete available, but this seems to be based on steps defined within the step_definitions folder.

What I'm more interested in is having it read other .feature files, and use than to populate an autocomplete. I would find this much more useful, as I'm often not going to have access to defined steps, especially early in a project.

I think I've also found a bug, which is causing the autocomplete to look at step definitions within bundled gems.


Thank you

maximehamm commented 3 years ago

Hello Daniel

About the bug : I assume you're using Ruby and it's IntelliJ plugin... the screencast shows that the navigation is not going to the wright location... this feature is provided by Ruby's plugin, not by Cucumber+. Please report this here

About the expected feature : I understand that you except step completion to suggest all available steps in Gherkin files, not only those having an implentation... This completion is managed by the Gherkin plugin. But here I think Cucumber+ can do something for you :) I will investigate more and let you know !

LimeBlast commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for the info. I'll report the bug accordingly :)

As for feature-based autocompletion, if you could add that, that would be amazing 🥇

Thank you.

maximehamm commented 3 years ago


Here is how I propose to manage it :


Is that good enough ?

I will also plan to do that :


LimeBlast commented 3 years ago

That's amazing! Yes, that looks perfect. Thank you.

maximehamm commented 3 years ago

This was a great idea from you Daniel ;) Cucumber+ version 8.0.0 si submitted... it should be available this afternoon or maybe next monday ! Please report at Jetbrain's plugin market place how much you like Cucumber+ 😊

LimeBlast commented 3 years ago

Yes of course, this is amazing. Thank you.

I'm off work next week, so I won't get to test it until the week after, but I eagerly look forward to it.