maximkulkin / esp-homekit-demo

Demo of Apple HomeKit accessory server library
MIT License
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door-sensor requires hub #260

Closed okanduzyel closed 4 years ago

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago


Door-sensor requires a hub. It works after programming esp via terminal, however, cutting cable connection between pc and connect again, it doesn't work.

There are some examples, such as sakisdog multiple sensor which comes with bridge between motion and temperature sensors. Door sensor doesn't work as that. Am I doing anything wrong or it works like that? 🙁 Is there any way to work it without hub as a simple sensor?

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago


I have tested two different board(lolin v3, esp-12e) It unfortunately works like what I mention. Is there any way that It can work standalone? (without required hub)

maximkulkin commented 4 years ago

I am not sure what weird experiments you are conducting here. Can you explain what are you trying to achieve and what do you call “a hub”?

maximkulkin commented 4 years ago

If I read that correctly, yes, if you want to do something in reaction to something else, you need a HomeKit hub (e.g. an Apple TV or an iPad) which will monitor states of triggers and update states of other devices.

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago

There is an example multiple sensors which has motion sensor and dht22 temperature & humidity.

These sensors can work standalone and I can set up notification for that when motion occurs. I want to do samething for door-sensor. When door open, I want to get notification that "door opened".

I don't want to buy Apple TV or an iPad now to manage HomeKit hub. When I connected my wifi, I wanna get door's information. Is there any way to work it standalone like example of multiple sensors?

maximkulkin commented 4 years ago

No, that's not gonna work as far as I know, iPhone will not maintain persistent connection to devices even when you're on the same WiFi network: whenever iPhone is locked it will turn off WiFi (not immediately, but eventually), so it won't monitor your HomeKit devices.

HomeKit architecture does not assume devices pushing events to "a cloud", so you get notifications anywhere. Devices push changes in their state only to connected controllers (iPhones, iPads, etc), thus in order to have global notifications you need a hub.

That also does not have anything to do with whether it is a multi sensor accessory or a single sensor accessory.

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago

This motion sensor can work standalone and It can send notification to me when I am at home. I want to do same thing for door-sensor.

When I am at home, I want to get notification. When I am outside I don't care it.

So, buying Apple TV or new iPad is so expensive for me. If I can change it as motion sensor's working style, It is okay for me.

I am not sure that I could explain myself clearly. If didn't understand anything please ask me.

maximkulkin commented 4 years ago

I want to do same thing for door-sensor.

Ok, sure, go for it!

AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

@okanduzyel What I understand from what you are asking this is the solution?

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago

I have no any solution. I just asked to @maximkulkin is it technically possible or not?

I have currently no any hardware to test it. Just, made ordered new esp8266 boards.

I don't want to connect it to hub. I don't want to automate any other devices with door-sensor.

I just want to see door's status, opened-closed, and wanna get notification on my phone or Mac.

(Motion sensor example can do that without any hub requirement)

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, my esp-12e has been broken. I have taken off it on lolin v3 board and connected esp-01 via cables.

I can program it. Moreover, I can run sonoff_basic example on it, however, I couldn't done door-sensor example yet.

When my make file like that,

PROGRAM = door-sensor

    extras/http-parser \
    $(abspath ../../components/esp-8266/cJSON) \
    $(abspath ../../components/common/wolfssl) \
    $(abspath ../../components/common/homekit)




include $(SDK_PATH)/

    $(FILTEROUTPUT) --port $(ESPPORT) --baud 9600 --elf $(PROGRAM_OUT)

It runs correctly but, after hard reset, esp's flash is vanishing.

Then, I changed it like bellow, (similar configuration with sonoff_basic)

PROGRAM = door-sensor

    extras/http-parser \
    $(abspath ../../components/esp-8266/cJSON) \
    $(abspath ../../components/common/wolfssl) \
    $(abspath ../../components/common/homekit)


FLASH_MODE ?= dout


include $(SDK_PATH)/

    $(FILTEROUTPUT) --port $(ESPPORT) --baud 9600 --elf $(PROGRAM_OUT)

It runs but, when I try to add accessories, It doesn't pair and gives those errors.

Failed to compact data: sector data read error Failed to write pairing info to flash: max number of pairings

What do I miss?

maximkulkin commented 4 years ago

@okanduzyel It seems that you have hardware issues with your flash. Try using a different base address (e.g. 0x7B000 instead of 0x7A000). I also recommend erasing flash before flashing.

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago

@okanduzyel It seems that you have hardware issues with your flash. Try using a different base address (e.g. 0x7B000 instead of 0x7A000). I also recommend erasing flash before flashing.

I tried all of those things and didn't work. Strange, right? I always find strange things 🙂

maximkulkin commented 4 years ago

There is usually a simple reason for that: you probably do it wrong. :smile: