maximkulkin / esp32-homekit-camera

Firmware for esp32-camera module to act as Apple Homekit IP camera
MIT License
394 stars 78 forks source link

Couldn't compile #46

Closed okanduzyel closed 4 years ago

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago


I cloned "esp32-homekit-camera" example inside esp32-homekit-camera folder which I created with that path "esp-homekit-demo/examples/esp32-homekit-camera"

I cloned with that command -> git clone --recursive .

Then, my direction like that: components main .gitignore .gitmodules LICENSE Makefile

I tried to make menuconfig command got that: make: *** test: No such file or directory. Stop.

I tried same thing inside of main folder and got same respond.

make -C . test didn't work for me. make -C . erase_flash either. What do I miss? Now, my linux machine can compile and flash any esp8266. Should I install anything for esp32?


I guess, I need to install ESP-IDF? I am new in linux environment, I don't want to destroy my esp8266 files and its compiling capability.

Can you help me line by line which codes should I run to install until compiling esp32-homekit-camera example?

AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago


I tried them but I couldn't again. I am stuck in first step of

I had solved that for esp8266 with this video

There is a vagrant file which contains line by line codes what It need to install.

is there any vagrant file like above for esp32?

AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

@okanduzyel maybe this will help:

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, I am currently working on Windows computer and vagrant ubuntu. 🙁

AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

Maybe this is a solution:

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago

I wish that There were a solution as .bin files (specific files for each boards, i.e ai thinker esp-cam), just flash esp32 with appropriate .bin file for your board and at the end, connect it wifi like sonoff...

or there were a vagrant file which sets it up everything as I mentioned before.


AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

Well maybe this is not for you.

okanduzyel commented 4 years ago

Maybe or maybe not.

Because, I did! This helped so much for me

People who like me, is not a programmer, will live these problems.

Please start to read that instructions ->

Something are different that video. So you will deal with a few problem. when google the problem individually, you can find its solution. I dealt with more than 15-20 problems and now, I can erase-flash esp32.

Thank you for your helping @AchimPieters