maximlink / managed-view

Simple app leveraging Managed App Config and Anonymous Single Add Mode (ASAM).
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"RESET_TIMER" - Request 'clearing brower data' be optional, and timer based upon activity, not URL #19

Open KWenners opened 8 months ago

KWenners commented 8 months ago

Would it be possible to change the RESET_TIMER function to sense inactivity rather than simply being on a different URL than the default home page? Also, add another setting to not clear the browser data when the timer runs out?

Here's the use case - we are using a web-based application running on an iPad that presents a registration screen for customers to fill in. Currently the site we use requires authentication with a service account ID and password. When first launched to the default URL the site sees there is no authentication and switches to a different URL to present a login screen. A staff member enters the user account ID and PW. After RESET_TIMER runs out it refreshes back to the default URL and presents the correct customer-facing page. However, if the browser data is cleared the ID and PW are lost, requiring a staff member to re-enter the credentials. If clearing the browser data was optional this would solve that problem for us.

Once at the customer-facing screen, the iPad is presented to the public. As customers progress through registration they will be transferred to different sub-URLs. If they don't complete filling out the registration before RESET_TIMER runs out they'll be brought back to the default URL and all of their inputted data will be lost.

We can extend RESET_TIMER from, say, 60 seconds to 300 seconds. But then that means we have to wait until the timer runs out before the next customer can use the iPad.

We'd prefer if RESET_TIMER was based upon inactivity, rather than which URL the site is currently on. Only if there is no input before the timer runs out will it go back to the default URL. This would be ideal in a scenario where a customer walks away from the iPad before completing registration. A short inactivity timer would mean the iPad would ready itself for the next customer.

This will have other benefits. Currently there is a LAUNCH_DELAY key. This would not be needed if RESET_TIMER was based upon user input activity. If the iPad launched the app before a WiFi connection was established, it would simply refresh when the timer ran out, eventually succeeding when the WiFi connection was established.

Thank you. Overall I find this a fantastic app, very helpful.