maximustann / explainableGP

Project for explainable AI (Genetic Programming)
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Input data requirement #6

Open maximustann opened 1 year ago

maximustann commented 1 year ago

I will list the input data and their format. bind.json
The file includes a list of task status. The PASSCAP is the remaining capacity after the path has been served.

[ { "CFH": 11, "RQ": 7, "FRT": 7, "CTD": 14, "SC": 9, "CR": 0, "CFD": 13, "DEM": 17, "PASSCAP": 0, "DecisionSituationN": 0, "source": 17, "target": 3 }, { "CFH": 13, "RQ": 0, "FRT": 16, "CTD": 7, "SC": 14, "CR": 15, "CFD": 17, "DEM": 7, "PASSCAP": 0, "DecisionSituationN": 1, "source": 24, "target": 28 } ... ]

maximustann commented 1 year ago

map.json (viz.json) For the task, 1 means non-task. 0 means task. 2 means task not served. { "source": 29, "target": 17, "task": 1 }, The file includes a list of nodes and links.

maximustann commented 1 year ago

equation.json The file includes three items, equation, terminal set, and operator set. { "equation": "(+ (- CFH (max SC CR)) (* (min (+ CTD RQ) (/ DEM CFD)) FRT))", "terminals": ["CTT1", "RQ", "CR", "CFH", "CFD", "CFR1", "DEM", "DEM1", "FULL", "FRT", "FUT", "CTD", "RQ1", "SC", "DC"], "operators": ["+", "-", "*", "/", "min", "max"] }

maximustann commented 1 year ago

path.json The file includes a list of routes. Each route includes a list of (source-target-serve). [ [ { "source": 0, "target": 20, "serve": 0 }, { "source": 20, "target": 32, "serve": 0 }, ... ] ]

maximustann commented 1 year ago

table.json The file includes a list of decision situations. [ { "CFH": 4, "RQ": 18, "FRT": 2, "CTD": 8, "SC": 3, "CR": 15, "CFD": 14, "DEM": 15, "DecisionSituationN": 0, "id": 0, "selectedRow": "false" }, { "CFH": 20, "RQ": 12, "FRT": 6, "CTD": 3, "SC": 15, "CR": 0, "CFD": 12, "DEM": 13, "DecisionSituationN": 0, "id": 1, "selectedRow": "false" }, ... ]

maximustann commented 1 year ago

tree.json The file includes a tree view that includes the terminals and the output values of nodes. The file is generated by a script with the input of the previously mentioned equation.json and table.json.