Currently precision, is hard coded by measuring bounding box lat / lon is below 0.5 deg. It would be wise to improve the way hash precision is calculated by following a “significantly more precise” measurements.
Suggestion: For (each new hash precision cycle), check if calculating the precision is wise, by measuring the precious distance for lat,lon from the previous bounding box, calculate distance for
case North // Top
case South // Bottom
case East // Right
case West // Left
then, complete first iteration of new hash loop, and check if either lat or lon precision has been imported by at least 25% compared to previous measurement, if so - continue, else break the calculation loop.
Currently precision, is hard coded by measuring bounding box lat / lon is below 0.5 deg. It would be wise to improve the way hash precision is calculated by following a “significantly more precise” measurements.
Suggestion: For (each new hash precision cycle), check if calculating the precision is wise, by measuring the precious distance for lat,lon from the previous bounding box, calculate distance for
then, complete first iteration of new hash loop, and check if either lat or lon precision has been imported by at least 25% compared to previous measurement, if so - continue, else
the calculation loop.