maxint-rd / TM16xx

Arduino TM16xx library for LED & KEY and LED Matrix modules based on TM1638, TM1637, TM1640 and similar chips. Simply use print() on 7-segment and use Adafruit GFX on matrix.
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Support TM1668 with 13-segment display (re: Request cs1694) #24

Closed harymk closed 1 year ago

harymk commented 1 year ago

Hello, am checked with tm1668 librarie. 7 segment is working fine. I need 13 segment display. Can u help me

maxint-rd commented 1 year ago

Yes. TM1640anode supports up to 16 segments in common anode mode. Since last update the library supports text on more segments. I've tested 14-segment some time ago. 13 segment may work too, perhaps with minor changes to the font used or mapping of segments. See this commit for some documentation embedded in the sources.

harymk commented 1 year ago

Hello thanks for quick reply. How can i set 13 segment on tm1668 module.

  Basic library example for TM1638. Kept small to show the simplest display functionality.
  Library based on TM1638 library by Ricardo Batista, adapted by Maxint-RD MMOLE 2018.

  Tested to work:
      Arduino Nano using Arduino IDE 1.8.2, Nano (Old Bootloader)), 4092 bytes flash, 135 bytes RAM

  For more information see

#include <TM1668.h>
//TM1668 module(8, 9, 10);   // DIO=8, CLK=9, STB=7
TM1668 module(D0, D1, D2, 4,true,7,TM1668_DISPMODE_4x13);  
#include <TM16xxDisplay.h>

//TM1628 module(D2, D1, D0);   // DIO=8, CLK=9, STB=7
TM16xxDisplay display(&module, 4);    // TM16xx object, 8 digits

void setup() {
  //display.println(F("HELLO !"));

int nCount=0;
void loop() {
harymk commented 1 year ago

Its only showin 7 segment


maxint-rd commented 1 year ago

Thank you for supplying additional information. I don't have the module you are showing, so I'n not sure to what extend I can help you. But I'll give it a try. First thing to note is that at the moment I only used a 14-segment display on the TM1640. I haven't tried to use 13 segments on the TM1668 (yet) The library may require changes to support using a 13-segment x 4-digit display on the TM1668.

But first some questions:

maxint-rd commented 1 year ago

in addition to my previous post, I suggest you to test the segments 8-13 on your module to see if they light up and to figure out their wiring. The TM16xx_setSegmentsDebug example may be a good base for such test, but you need to modify it to call the setSegments16() method and have the segment loop go up to uint16_t 0xFFFF instead of a byte up to 0xFF.

In the meanwhile I've been looking at the code of the library. If indeed your module features a TM1668 chip, the library requires a change to support printing 13-segment Ascii characters on the TM1668, The change needed is the addition of a function that is already implemented for TM1640Anode:

void TM1640Anode::sendAsciiChar(byte pos, char c, boolean fDot)
{ // Method to send an Ascii character to the display.
  // This method is also called by TM16xxDisplay.print() to display characters.
  // The base class uses the default 7-segment font to find the LED pattern.
  // Derived classes for multi-segment displays or alternate layout displays can override this method.
  uint16_t uSegments= pgm_read_word(TM16XX_FONT_15SEG+(c - 32));
    setSegments16(uSegments | (fDot ? 0b10000000 : 0), pos);

By including that method, your display.print() example should already turn on the additional segments, but they may be garbled up due to different segment wiring. To resolve that TM1640Anode implements segment mapping. Since I don't have your module or common cathode 13-seg led-displays, I cannot test such feature. If you give me more information and answer the questions in my previous response, perhaps I can provide more help.

harymk commented 1 year ago

Ok i will chech, thanks

maxint-rd commented 1 year ago

FYI: I have ordered some 2-digit 14-segment common cathode LED displays, Once I received them I intend to do 13-segment testing which both TM1668 and TM1628 which both support a 13-segment mode. Driving 13-segments instead of 14 probably means G1 and G2 will be combined and the decimal point will be omitted.

maxint-rd commented 1 year ago

Hello Hari, just for your information: I have received the displays and I'm currently working on implementing 13-segment support on both TM1628 and TM1668. TM1628 works and tests fine. TM1668 should be the same. I intend to publish an updated release this week or the next.

For other news: I've ordered TM1624 and TM1623 chips that support 14 segments.

harymk commented 1 year ago

Thanks sir.