maxiride / pf2e-encounters

A Pathfinder 2 tool to balance encounters
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Hotfix: Missing Monsters/NPCs #46

Open imgurbot12 opened 1 year ago

imgurbot12 commented 1 year ago

Hello! Love this project and I'm sad to see it hasn't been updated in a while, but I managed a pseudo-hotfix to include all of the most recent monsters/npcs if anyone is interested.

I wrote this quick python script to scrape the contents from aonprd's elasticsearch instance by reverse engineering their api-calls. It should hopefully generate a complete manifest of all available monsters/npcs. Hope it's useful for future updates in regards to fixing the current scraper implementation and helpful to anyone using this project in the future.

For any users, the generated creatures.json file just needs to be placed within src/webui/public/ folder. The output could potentially just be added to the existing gh-pages site in order to include all of the current existing content.

Monsters JSON Scraper
import os
import json
import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Set

import requests

#** Variables **#

#: user-agent to use when making requests
USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/104.0.5112.81 Safari/537.36'

#: cache for raw-npcs results
NPCS_CACHE = 'npcs-raw.json'

#: cache for raw-monsters results
MONSTERS_CACHE = 'monsters-raw.json'

#: aeonprd hostname

#: aeonprd elatasearch hostname

#: pre-calculated aonprd elastic lookup query-params
ELASTIC_PARAM = {'track_total_hits': 'true'}

#: pre-calculated headers to include during elasticsearch lookup
    'user-agent':     USER_AGENT,
    'accept':         '*/*',
    'origin':         f'https://{AEONPRD}',
    'referer':        f'https://{AEONPRD}',
    'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
    'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
    'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site',
    'sec-gpc':        1,

#** Functions **#

def creature_data(npcs: bool = False) -> dict:
    """retrieve raw monster-data from aonprd elasticsearch"""
    # retrieve from file-cache
    cache = NPCS_CACHE if npcs else MONSTERS_CACHE
    if os.path.exists(cache):
        with open(cache, 'r') as f:
            return json.load(f)
    # construct query json 
    json_post = {
                                "query":f"category:creature npc:{str(npcs).lower()} ",
        "size":    10000,
        "sort":    ["_score","_doc"],
        "_source": {"excludes":["text"]},
        "aggs":    {
    # make request and write to cache
    res =, params=ELASTIC_PARAM, json=json_post)
    with open(cache, 'wb') as f:
    return res.json()

def parse_creatures(data: dict) -> List['Creature']:
    """parse through raw monster data to retrieve imporant details"""
    # parse creatures from raw data
    creatures = []
    for hit in data['hits']['hits']:
        attrs   = hit['_source']
        name    = attrs['name']
        id      = attrs['url'].rsplit('=', 1)[1]
        if not id.isdigit():
            raise RuntimeError(f'failed to parse {name!r}')
        npc      = attrs.get('npc', False)
        align    = attrs['alignment']
        traits   = set(attrs['trait']) 
        images   = attrs.get('image', [])
        creature = 'NPC' if npc else attrs['type'] 
        if align in traits:
            lore=attrs.get('summary', ''),
            family=attrs.get('creature_family', ''),
            image_url=images[0] if images else '',
    return creatures

def generate_data(creatures: List['Creature']) -> 'Data':
    """generate metadata and pass into data object"""
    # generate meta-data from collected monsters
    meta = Metadata(total=len(creatures))
    for creature in creatures:
        meta.min_level = min(meta.min_level, creature.level)
        meta.max_level = max(meta.max_level, creature.level)
        meta.traits |= creature.traits
    return Data(creatures, meta)

#** Classes **#

class Metadata:
    min_level:      int       = 0
    max_level:      int       = 0 
    total:          int       = 0
    families:       Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
    alignments:     Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
    creature_types: Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
    traits:         Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
    rarities:       Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
    sizes:          Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)

class Creature:
    id:            str
    name:          str
    creature_type: str
    level:         int
    alignment:     str
    size:          str
    rarity:        str
    lore:          str
    family:        str
    image_url:     str
    npc:           bool     = False
    traits:        Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)

class Data:
    creatures: List[Creature] = field(default_factory=list)
    metadata:  Metadata       = field(default_factory=Metadata)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'Creatures(found={len(self.creatures)}, meta={self.metadata!r})'

class JsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """custom json encoder to convert sets to supported list-type"""
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, set):
            return sorted(list(obj))
        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj):
            return dataclasses.asdict(obj)
        return super().default(obj)

#** Init **#

data     = creature_data(npcs=False)
monsters = parse_creatures(data)

data = creature_data(npcs=True)
npcs = parse_creatures(data)

collected = generate_data(monsters + npcs)
with open('creatures.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(collected, f, cls=JsonEncoder)

Edit: a few quality of life changes like sorting the sets once back into a list and making NPCs a different creature-type

maxiride commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much @imgurbot12 for delivering quality content for the repository! Much appreciated 🙏

Everytime I want to get back to the project for refinements I am halted by work and life. If you could please do a PR with the updated creatures.json I will happily merge it.

To avoid having to constaly update the JSON dataset I was exploring the possibility to schedule a github action to perform the scrape. I'm not sure if this would break some github tos and anyway I'm not that much proficent with GH actions.

I'm pinning the issue for the foreseeable future until a proper automated way to update the dataset is developed.

imgurbot12 commented 1 year ago

@maxiride more than happy to, thanks! Just submitted a PR as requested.

Can't say I know anything about GH Actions unfortunately so I'm not likely to be any help in that regard, but you're obviously welcome to do whatever you like with the script.

imgurbot12 commented 1 year ago

@maxiride, is there any chance we can copy the new updated version in master to the gh-pages version please? I've noticed the website isn't using the new data as of yet which means I still have to run my own local instance. Would love to be able to use the public one if possible. Thanks!

maxiride commented 1 year ago

gh-pages branch updated!