maxisam / ngx-clipboard

A pure angular clipboard directive
MIT License
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cbSuccessMsg is no more taken into account #299

Closed MathieuCoupe closed 2 years ago

MathieuCoupe commented 2 years ago

Starting from release 15.0.x of ngx-clipboard, assigning a string to the field cbSuccessMsg on the button no longer add it on the IClipboardResponse event generated.


<button ngxClipboard [cbContent]="content" cbSuccessMsg="content successfully copied">

MathieuCoupe commented 2 years ago

When testing with cbOnSuccess callback, if found that adding a callback fix the missing field (in the event provided to the callback method and in the global event queue)

<button ngxClipboard [cbContent]="content" cbSuccessMsg="content successfully copied" (cbOnSuccess)="process($event)">

maxisam commented 2 years ago

It is by design.

MathieuCoupe commented 2 years ago

Thx for the quick response !

My issue is that we observe the global ClipboardService.copyResponse$ to avoid defining a callback for each ngxClipboard instance, and the event does not contain the successMessage field.

Would it be possible to enrich the event even if no local callback is registered ?

Something as :

        let response: IClipboardResponse = {
            isSuccess: succeeded,
            successMessage: this.cbSuccessMsg,
maxisam commented 2 years ago

totally, welcome to make a PR I will merge it. thx!

MathieuCoupe commented 2 years ago


rahuldimri commented 2 years ago

This issue is closed as part of Pull Request #300. Please close the issue.

MathieuCoupe commented 2 years ago

issue fixed by #300