Closed endlacer closed 1 month ago
Can you say when you're doning to release the new version to npm?
please let me know if it works, thx!
good that you made a beta first! now there is a console error even consering a11y:
Blocked aria-hidden on a <textarea> element because the element that just received focus must not be hidden from assistive technology users. Avoid using aria-hidden on a focused element or its ancestor. Consider using the inert attribute instead, which will also prevent focus. For more details, see the aria-hidden section of the WAI-ARIA specification at <textarea readonly aria-hidden="true" style="font-size: 12pt; height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: absolute; left: -9999px; top: 0px;"></textarea>
So it complains that we focus a aria-hidden element. This is a bummer. I can look into this when I have the time. Question: Why do we even do this textarea hack, what is the reason not just doing navigator.clipboard.writeText?
And if it is necessary (iOS/Safari eg), does it need to be a formelement to copy from? Can't we copy from a div (no focus shenanigans, therefor no a11y concerns)
I think it was for backward compatibility but i am not sure now. This project has been a long time. I don't even know if I should just deprecated it, because material has clipboard now as well
closes #328