maxkeppeler / sheets-compose-dialogs

✨ Enhancing Android UIs: A Jetpack Compose Library supporting a wide range of common use-cases with Material Design 3 Dialogs, Popups, and Bottom Sheets. ✨
Apache License 2.0
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Feature: Numeric input #67

Open rojepp opened 10 months ago

rojepp commented 10 months ago

Just a feature suggestion, similar to the clock input, just a dialog with a keypad to enter a number like a quantity. Could have settings for min&max allowed number, and maybe plus/minus buttons.

maxkeppeler commented 4 months ago

I worked on it, but it probably won't be included in the next release. Instead, it will be part of a future release, such as 1.4. I'm still considering how it should function, appear, and behave. I also think it would be great to incorporate basic input calculation, so it's still WIP.