maxkonovalov / MKRingProgressView

⭕️ Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch
MIT License
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Crashes on iOS 9 at initWithCoder #64

Closed euroboy closed 4 years ago

euroboy commented 4 years ago

In Crashlytics I'm receiving a crash when loading a RingProgressView from storyboard. Crash is logged in initWithCoder with the following information:

0  libobjc.A.dylib                0x181535b90 objc_msgSend + 16
1  UIKit                          0x18701eef8 -[UIView _createLayerWithFrame:] + 252
2  UIKit                          0x18701eb00 UIViewCommonInitWithFrame + 688
3  UIKit                          0x187325fb4 -[UIView initWithCoder:] + 304
4  MKRingProgressView             0x100b776e8 $s18MKRingProgressView04RingbC0C5coderACSgSo7NSCoderC_tcfcTf4gn_n + 72
5  MKRingProgressView             0x100b76fbc $s18MKRingProgressView04RingbC0C5coderACSgSo7NSCoderC_tcfcTo + 32

It happens only on iOS 9. Also I'm subclassing RingProgressView, if this may help.

euroboy commented 4 years ago

The problem may be that I'm subclassing RingProgressView. Trying without subclassing and will log the result.

maxkonovalov commented 4 years ago

Hi @euroboy, please check if you have any issues with the latest release