maxlath / wikibase-cli

read and edit a Wikibase instance from the command line
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Facilitate switching users/config #132

Open nichtich opened 3 years ago

nichtich commented 3 years ago

Working with multiple user accounts and configurations could be simplified. Right now I use something like

DIR=$(dirname $(wd config path)) wd config -j > $DIR/config.$FOO.json; ln -sf $DIR/config.$BAR.json $DIR/config.json

to switch between configuration $FOO and $BAR. I recommend to add commands:

wd config save <name>

to save current configuration to $(dirname $(wd config path))/config.$name.json and

wd config select [name]

to select a named configuration (interactively if no name was specified).

maxlath commented 3 years ago

what about having a --config parameter instead, to force alternative config resolution?

wb somecmd --config ./path/to/wb.config.a.json
wb somecmd --config ./path/to/wb.config.b.json
nichtich commented 3 years ago

This would be helpful in some cases but would require to specify the config file with each call. I normally call wb in sessions and/or scripts:

Switching accounts is already described as restoring a backup:

cp config.json.backup $(wd config path)

But this requires to know the config file location. $(dirname $(wd config path)) seems like a good place to put config files.

I can also solve this with a shell script such as (not tested):

DIR=$(dirname $(wd config path))
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  ls "$DIR"/config.*.json
  if [ -e "$CFG" ]; then
    cp  "$CFG" "$CFG" "$DIR/config.json"

But I thought this feature may also be of use for others.

maxlath commented 3 years ago

that could work well with aliases

alias wda="wd --config ~/.config/wikibase-cli/config.a.json"
alias wdb="wd --config ~/.config/wikibase-cli/config.b.json"

wda set-label Q4115189 en foo
maxlath commented 3 years ago

or we could look for the WB_CONFIG environment variable, like we already do for WB_INSTANCE and others