Try to create an item. Example command: wb create-entity \'{"type":"item","labels": {"en": "enwiki#308988"}, "descriptions": {"en": "article on English Wikipedia"}, "claims": {"P9675": ["308988"], "P2699": [""], "P1433": ["Q2"]}}'
Error results (partly cut off):
:{"*":"You can not interact with properties using this API while federated properties is enabled"}}],"*":"See for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes."}} {
statusCode: 200,
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parameters: [],
html: {
'*': 'You can not interact with properties using this API while federated properties is enabled'
'*': 'See for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes.'
url: '',
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body: {
error: {
code: 'param-illegal',
info: 'You can not interact with properties using this API while federated properties is enabled',
messages: [
name: 'wikibase-federated-properties-local-property-api-error-message',
parameters: [],
html: {
'*': 'You can not interact with properties using this API while federated properties is enabled'
'*': 'See for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes.'
I haven't looked at FederatedProperties yet, I guess some adaptation would be required in wikibase-edit to support it: I opened an issue on that matter
Configure the Wikibase CLI to use a Wikibase that uses federated properties such as
Try to create an item. Example command:
wb create-entity \'{"type":"item","labels": {"en": "enwiki#308988"}, "descriptions": {"en": "article on English Wikipedia"}, "claims": {"P9675": ["308988"], "P2699": [""], "P1433": ["Q2"]}}'
Error results (partly cut off):