maxmacstn / ESP32-Canon-BLE-Remote

📷 ESP32 Bluetooth Remote Library for Canon cameras
MIT License
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OK, I have it working with a Canon EOS6D MarkII #5

Open CHSReb opened 7 months ago

CHSReb commented 7 months ago

ESP Hardware: Seeed Studio XIAO-ESP32-C3

Everything! Including triggering for Movies!

You only need the Shutter trigger, a Focus button and I added a paring button.

There are several settings in the Camera to change. Movie Remote Control is a separate setting from photo remote control and the shutter button for movies must be reprogrammed. All photo settings are very similar to the M50 the author used in development.

I'll be doing a YouTube video on this, but it may be a while.

CHSReb commented 6 months ago

Better make that Past tense. HAD it working. ArduinoNvs seems to be the problem. The folders are in the Arduino_IDE library, but the Library manager no longer sees ArduinoNvs (It did before and worked great!) and your Bluetooth Library code refuses to load citing ArduinoNvs is not installed.

It was working great while it lasted. ArduinoNvs just disappeared from the Arduino-IDE library manager and it hasn't worked since. Any missing dependencies?

CHSReb commented 1 month ago

NOTE: this only applies if you are using the Arduino-IDE. all other development platforms are untested.

OK I have it working again.

Two issues: "#include arduino.h" can not be in the .ino file.

The Arduino-IDE library manager effectively bans any library not an official Arduino release with "Arduino" in the meta file. It installs just fine, but won't appear or be recognized if you do an Arduino-IDE "Installed Libraries" search.

To get around this, the only way I found is to copy the entire unzipped ArduinoNVS folder into the standard libraries folder location before the application is compiled. Yeah I cheated. I made ArduinoNVS a standard library.

The catch: Every time the standard Arduino-IDE JSON Libraries folders are updated, it wipes this added folder.

Standard Libraries Location: Home>.arduino15>packages>esp32>hardware>esp32>3.0.2> cores>esp32> Source files location Home>.arduino15>packages>esp32>hardware>esp32>3.0.2> libraries Full Library Folders locations