I'll use this case to track some research needed in order to implement mapping of store locations in the application.
[x] How do you find locations with lat / long coordinates that are within a certain distance of a given lat / long coordinate?
Use Case: We need to be able to filter the list of locations down to only the locations that are within a certain distance from our current location and then plot those on the map.
It appears as though the Haversine Formula might be the correct approach in finding the distance between two given coordinates on a sphere.
Findings: I implemented a proof of concept program in node in server\location-tester that filters down the locations from our JSON file based on the Haversine Distance to the current location.
[ ] What are the options for mapping in Expo?
[ ] How do you create a custom map marker?
[ ] How do you create a custom callout for a marker?
I'll use this case to track some research needed in order to implement mapping of store locations in the application.
Use Case: We need to be able to filter the list of locations down to only the locations that are within a certain distance from our current location and then plot those on the map.
It appears as though the Haversine Formula might be the correct approach in finding the distance between two given coordinates on a sphere.
This package warrants further investigation.
Findings: I implemented a proof of concept program in node in server\location-tester that filters down the locations from our JSON file based on the Haversine Distance to the current location.