maxmilton / new-tab

⚡ A high-performance browser new tab page that gets you where you need to go faster.
MIT License
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Change low resolution picture in the chrome webstore #1272

Open qx-775 opened 3 years ago

qx-775 commented 3 years ago

Hey man!

Love this extension. It's absolutely amazing, super fast and comfy. I follow ur code changes. This tool increases my productivity by removing distracting bookmarks bar, and show very fast what top sites i visit since it's shown on the new tab page.

However I believe more people should know about it!

The current image in the webstore however is very ugly; low resolution and doesnt show all capabilities! Could you perhaps change it to a higher resolution image (or multiple images) and perhaps show dark mode too? Or even better would be a GIF there showing new tab with its capabilties (change layout, themes etc).

It would definitely 'sell' this extension more I think.

Anyways, thanks.

maxmilton commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I couldn't agree more, the current image is cringe worthy!

The Chrome Web Store has a policy that extension listings now need at least one image before a package can be published... so the current image was added as a placeholder to allow publishing.

Absolutely it needs new images that actually entice users to try the extension or at least give them an idea of the experience or walk through some key features. Mobile apps tend to have great listings in the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, etc. so that's the kind of thing we should strive for.

maxmilton commented 3 years ago

A GIF would be nice, especially since it could also be added to the repo readme too as part of