maxmind / GeoIP2-perl

Perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
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Do you have plans for official Perl 6 version? #64

Closed bbkr closed 6 years ago

bbkr commented 6 years ago


I'm maintaining unofficial GeoIP 1 libraries for Perl 6 - . I've noticed that geoipupdate stopped working for legacy databases and that there is official end-of-life announcement here: Which means Perl 6 users will lose access to MaxMind data.

So my question is - do you have plans to officially support GeoIP2 in Perl 6 before legacy databases will be phased out?

I can port my module to libmaxminddb+GeoIPCity2 to provide drop-in replacement, but I'd like to avoid it if possible. It will never be as feature rich as your official libraries and I won't have enough time to add support for all kind of databases (City / ISP / enterprise editions, webservice connectivity, etc.) because GeoIP2 is much more complex ecosystem. Official libraries from you will be more than welcome.

oschwald commented 6 years ago

Thanks for checking in. We unfortunately do not currently have plans to port the GeoIP2 library to Perl 6 and it is unlikely that would change before the GeoLite Legacy EOL.

bbkr commented 6 years ago

Thank you for clarification.

I've started porting GeoIP2 to Perl6 - It is currently at a proof-of-concept stage where IPv4 location can be retrieved. Still a bit rough in terms of code layout and few minor pieces of decoder are NYI. But I'm only small step away from providing drop-in replacement for legacy GeoIP users.

I'd like to thank you for providing database format documentation and test databases. It makes porting DB reader to another language super-easy.

oschwald commented 6 years ago

That looks great! Please let me know when you feel it is ready for consumption and I will add it to our list of third party APIs. Also, please feel free to open an issue on if any part of the spec could use further clarification

I'll go ahead and close this issue.
