Closed jabuxas closed 2 months ago
Hello, I wanted to explain the reasons behind the recent update.
Firstly, I noticed some minor issues and flaws in the colorschemes, and it had been a while since I last worked on the code. I also wasn't entirely satisfied with the previous code I had written.
Another issue was that the Solarized Light theme had been somewhat neglected. I was focusing almost exclusively on Solarized Dark and completely overlooking the light version. So, in this update, I made sure to give attention to both the light and dark versions.
Regarding other variations, I'm considering introducing new variants. Currently, the Neo variant is practically the Solarized Light theme, but instead of just bringing in Neo, I'm thinking of adding four more variations to the theme. However, this would require a lot of work, so I'm still contemplating how to approach this.
Fortunately, I’ve designed the colorscheme to be customizable, allowing users to create their own theme variants as well.
return {
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
---@type solarized.config
opts = {
transparent = {
enabled = true,
lazy = false,
mason = false,
plugins = {
ale = false,
coc = false,
leap = false,
alpha = false,
yanky = false,
neogit = false,
noice = false,
nvimtree = false,
navic = false,
ministarter = false,
minitabline = false,
ministatusline = false,
todocomments = false,
rainbowdelimiters = false,
on_highlights = function(colors, color)
---@type solarized.highlights
return {
[''] = { link = 'Type' },
['@punctuation.bracket'] = { fg = colors.yellow },
LspInlayHint = { fg = color.shade(colors.cyan, 3) },
TelescopePromptBorder = { fg = },
TelescopeBorder = { fg = colors.cyan },
Identifier = { fg = colors.base0 },
['@tag'] = { fg = },
['@tag.attribute'] = { fg = },
['@tag.delimiter'] = { fg = },
Delmiter = { fg = },
Constant = { fg = colors.magenta },
['@variable.builtin'] = { fg = colors.violet },
['@variable.member'] = { fg = },
['@property'] = { link = '@variable.member' },
Keyword = { link = 'Statement' },
['@keyword.import'] = { link = 'Statement' },
[''] = { link = '@property' },
config = function(_, opts)
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'solarized'
Currently, the Neo variant is practically the Solarized Light theme
how so? do you mean that default white is almost equal as the neo white of before?
Fortunately, I’ve designed the colorscheme to be customizable, allowing users to create their own theme variants as well.
yes, thank you a lot, i updated from a somewhat old update and was really surprised by the amount of new stuff, it only bummed me that the neo variant doesn't really exist anymore.
i know i can tweak the theme to get the same variant again, are you able to point out which commit deleted neo variant? that would make things easier for me to recreate it
ty a lot
ain't that a lot of highlights... gonna be a tough job
why was it removed?