maxnet / berryboot

Berryboot -- Boot menu / OS installer
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Arch Linux ARM - Am I missing something? #718

Open MrAmericanMike opened 2 years ago

MrAmericanMike commented 2 years ago

So I downloaded and install the Arch Linux ARM for Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 (2021.02.05) image on a Raspberry 3

Everything boots perfect, however when trying to use pacman to install something, first I get some pacman-key error, but fix it by running the commands shown on the ArchLinuxARM website

pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinuxarm

After this I try for example pacman -S base and get a lot of errors complaining that X file already exists (Not just a few, but a bunch of them) Making it impossible to install anything.

I don't have a lot of experience with Linux and Arch, but I wonder, what the problem could be here? Am I missing some steps?

symbios24 commented 2 years ago

Try the normal image not the bb to see if the same thing happens there