maxplanck-ie / HiCAssembler

Software to assemble contigs/scaffolds into chromosomes using Hi-C data
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Python 3 #16

Open dominik-handler opened 4 years ago

dominik-handler commented 4 years ago

Hi, I saw that you have the branch 2to3 to migrate HiCAssembler to python 3. As it is getting quite difficult to install all dependencies for python 2.7 I wanted to try this branch. First of all I ran into an issue while installing this version: error in HiS Assembler setup command: "values of 'package_data' dict" must be a list of strings (got '*.txt')

Also, before I invest time in testing HiCAssembler in python 3, is it fully functional yet?

All the best and thank you, Dominik

xuzhougeng commented 4 years ago

I solve this problem by the following step

git clone
cd HiCAssembler/
git branch 2to3

and I edit the, and commment the the following line

#package_data={'': '*.txt'},

then I install this package locally

cd ..
pip install ./HiCAssembler/
EarlyEvol commented 4 years ago

xuzhougeng's fix resolves the first issue (same as dominik) but a new python 2>3 version issue remains:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/u14/earlm1/miniconda3/envs/hic/bin/assemble", line 11, in <module>
    import hicassembler.HiCAssembler as HiCAssembler
  File "/home/u14/earlm1/miniconda3/envs/hic/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hicassembler/", line 226
    print self.N50
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(self.N50)?

xuzhougeng, Did you encounter the same error, or do I have a problem pulling the correct version of I started from a clean miniconda3 env, installed HiCExplorer, then did your 2to3 HicAssembler install instructions.


EarlyEvol commented 4 years ago

Ahh needed a different command to pull the correct branch: git checkout -b 2to3 --track origin/2to3 Don't understand git at all, but it worked.
(still needed the edit)

yuzhenpeng commented 2 years ago

I also get the same errors. could you please give me more help.

yuzhenpeng commented 2 years ago

It seems that import hicexplorer.HiCMatrix as HiCMatrix should be changed to import hicmatrix.HiCMatrix as HiCMatrix. #21