maxplanck-ie / snakepipes

Customizable workflows based on snakemake and python for the analysis of NGS data
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request for post DNA-mapping pipelines feature #931

Closed sunta3iouxos closed 9 months ago

sunta3iouxos commented 11 months ago

Could you please add a string so that we could direct the results of pipelines as ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq etc to a subfolder into the main folder? for example, this is the output of DNA-mapping

 tree /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTESTblackNEW/ -d
├── Bowtie2 -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/Bowtie2
├── FASTQ -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/FASTQ
├── FASTQ_fastp -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/FASTQ_fastp
├── FastQC -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/FastQC
├── FastQC_trimmed -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/FastQC_trimmed
├── Sambamba -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/Sambamba
├── cluster_logs -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/cluster_logs
├── deepTools_qc -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/deepTools_qc
├── filtered_bam -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/filtered_bam
├── multiQC -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/multiQC
├── originalFASTQ -> /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTEST/originalFASTQ

If I initiate a ChIP-seq experiment new folders in the /mnt/c/AP01/bamSpikesTESTblackNEW/ will be created. Like split_deepTools_ChIP, etc

I believe it would be nice if those will be by default redirected to subfolders with a default naming of the chosen pipeline+date, or a one defined by a user. So that if we repeat the analysis it can be possible without (re)moving folders.

Thank you

katsikora commented 10 months ago

Hi, if you'd like to obtain results of ChIP-seq or ATAC-seq run with different parameters in different folders, one thing you can do is to provide the bam files from the DNA-mapping workflow e.g. with --fromBAM /path/to/filtered_bams/ --bamExt .filtered.bam. At the same time, specify a custom ouput folder with -d /todays/output, different from the DNA-mapping ouput folder.

Best wishes,


sunta3iouxos commented 10 months ago

, specify a custom ouput folder with -d /todays/output

I missed that one. But, will it use the same folder as created by the DNA mapping process?

katsikora commented 10 months ago

It will use only the bam files from the folder created by DNA mapping that you point it to. Fragment size metric calculation by deeptools will be repeated for PE reads.