maxpowa / tukmc

The Slickest looking HUD for minecraft you'll see for a while
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Compatibility enhancements for TerrafirmaCraft #10

Open MirosVanisland opened 10 years ago

MirosVanisland commented 10 years ago

Current build leaves artifacts of the vanilla health/etc gui visible underneath the TFC GUI when enhanced GUI replacement of said bars is deactivated. Suggest figuring out a way to maybe remove these, and possibly create enhanced bars with numerical/percentage values to replace health, hunger, and thirst bars.

Additionally, entity healths have been modified by TFC to significantly high values. while entity health bars are enabled, said bars extend beyond the borders of the screen. I suggest the health bar lengths be standardized completely, such that they all remain a certain size, and the health indicators decrease on a percentage basis, instead of trying to account each health point for a certain length of pixels (this should also help with compatibility with DivineRPG, which has a VERY large number of creatures with healths in excess of 100pts)

maxpowa commented 10 years ago

Sure TFC compatibility can be implemented, but really, DivineRPG? Last I checked that mod was 1.2.5. Compatibility will happen when I see some real progress (as in a release) in DivineRPG. As of right now, DivineRPG may as well not exist.

MirosVanisland commented 10 years ago

X3 sorry, it was just used as an example.

Am just saying that the suggested implementation would aid in this gui being viable for mods that add in mobs with above average (minecraft average) health.

maxpowa commented 10 years ago

Late night derp on my part too, divinerpg is 1.4.7

maxpowa commented 10 years ago

And I understand where you're coming from, ill see if there's a clean way to do it