Open CharlyEmpereurmot opened 5 years ago
@Charly-Empereur-mot thanks. so to ensure hyperopt reproducibility see here: haven't checked if this seamlessly translates over to hyperas, but consider it a start ;)
Best, M
Thank you, I could obtain reproducible results. With CPU usage though (still working on GPU), which imposes the use of a single thread. Would you have information about the following points, please:
What about running each model with each set of parameters 10-50 times and averaging the results (for robustness), is there an argument to do so with the current API ? Otherwise, I believe it would be useful and I could help implementing this.
Also, how can we explore the N best models + sets of parameters instead of only the best performing model ? Idem, worth implementing.
Thank you very much!
@Charly-Empereur-mot I don't quite understand what you mean by "each model". do you have a list of models that you want to optimize?
hyperas allows you to return all models for each run (beware: memory consumption). afterwards, you can do whatever you want.
also, have a look at our ensemble models, which I presume you want:
Can you do me a favour and do a PR with (or otherwise give me) your example with reproducible results? I think that could be very useful for other users as well.
@Charly-Empereur-mot Could you please tell us how you obtained reproducible results? Many thanks
@maxpumperla Refer to your ensemble models, I tried to use it with Jupyter notebook, but it doesn't work. Will you have a notebook version? Thanks
Hello, Thank you for this great piece of software :) Extremely useful.
I was wondering how to get fully reproducible results (or averaged/repeated results), maybe by:
Using fix seeds for python/numpy/tensorflow number generators + PYTHONHASHSEED (env var) like recommended here: But I saw no recommendation about this in the README exemple.
Running each model with each set of parameters 10-50 times and averaging the results.
For case 2, how should I proceed ? Did I miss something about repeating model + params in the API ? (considering computing time is not an issue) Otherwise, could you please recommend another method.
On another note, how can we explore the N best models + sets of params instead of only the best performing model ?
Thank you very much