maxpumperla / hyperas

Keras + Hyperopt: A very simple wrapper for convenient hyperparameter optimization
MIT License
2.17k stars 316 forks source link

getting issue in this code is there anyone can help me out? It will be greatfull... #293

Open rajitsri opened 1 year ago

rajitsri commented 1 year ago

Building another model/classifier ISOLATION FOREST

from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest ifc=IsolationForest(max_samples=len(X_train), contamination=outlier_fraction,random_state=1) scores_pred = ifc.decision_function(X_train) y_pred = ifc.predict(X_test)

Reshape the prediction values to 0 for valid, 1 for fraud.

y_pred[y_pred == 1] = 0 y_pred[y_pred == -1] = 1

n_errors = (y_pred != Y_test).sum()

JonnoFTW commented 1 year ago

This unformatted code doesn't appear to have anything to do with hyperas.