maxrave-dev / SimpMusic

A simple music app using YouTube Music for backend
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.38k stars 95 forks source link

Add swipe function for songs to add them to the queue (like Spotify) #333

Open Simipfaffi opened 1 month ago

Simipfaffi commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. It is inconvenient to click on the menu button of a song to add it to the song queue. You often click on the wrong button, which causes the song to play even though you don't want it to. This is totally annoying

Describe the solution you'd like One swipe gesture for each song. By swiping right, for example, you can then add it to the song queue. You could perhaps favorite the song or add it to a playlist by swiping left. This feature I am describing here also exists in Spotify ( just for reference :-) ).

Describe alternatives you've considered Next to a song name, you could alternatively add an extra button for adding the queue, which then displays the queue icon.

Additional context

In the way that Spotify has solved this with adding songs to the queue, it would be great if something similar were also possible in SimpMusic.