maxrave-dev / SimpMusic

A simple music app using YouTube Music for backend
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.38k stars 95 forks source link

'Update playlist from YouTube Music' in local playlist is adding songs to the main playlist #347

Open aneesh1122 opened 3 weeks ago

aneesh1122 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to YouTube music and delete songs from your main playlist
  2. Go to your local playlist
  3. Select 'Update playlist from YouTube Music' to update your local playlist so that the deleted songs from the main playlist get deleted in the local playlist too.
  4. Instead of deleting songs in the local playlist simpmusic adds deleted songs back to the main playlist

Expected behavior After selecting 'Update playlist from YouTube Music' the local playlist should replicate the main playlist and delete the songs deleted in the main playlist

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Log (Error Details) Paste the log from the crashing screen, if it is not a crash bug, skip it.

maxrave-dev commented 3 weeks ago

The flow of "Update playlist from YouTube Music" in my design app only updates new tracks from YouTube Music to protect the local playlist. You can remove the local playlist and re-sync from this YouTube Music Playlist

aneesh1122 commented 3 weeks ago

The flow of "Update playlist from YouTube Music" in my design app only updates new tracks from YouTube Music to protect the local playlist. You can remove the local playlist and re-sync from this YouTube Music Playlist

Okay. Could you please add this 're-sync' option in the menu of the local playlist to exactly mirror the main playlist?

I can always remove and re-add the local playlist but it will take a lot of time since I have a lot of playlists.